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301. Salam, i wanted to ask a question .. about marriage as one of my firned is facing a problem, that he is sunni and he wants to marry a girl who is shia , so please can you explain in detail that is it allowed or not 302. Marriage on the night of Lailatul Qadr 303. To marry is really important?? 304. I also wanted to know whether an married man wishing to get married again , should inform his first wife or not about his intention. 305. (Questin No.1522)What should a Muslim girl do to get married? 306. Im a very religious girl allhamdullila, im not getting married coz im very religious,i cook well, im well qulified and actully have a job ,im very fair .my family wants me to change at least a little so that i get married. now i have decided that if i dont get a religious parttner i wont get married, is this allowed in islam and can i go and live my life seperate as my brother is not getting married because of me beeing present in the house is this also allowed in islam please tell me 307. "Is it allowed to marry those chrishtian woman/man who belive ISA(A) Jesu is a God or son of God and who made so many diffrance of with their orginal beliefs and changes the original religious book?" 308. If a boy n girl in front of two muslim witnesses accept each other as husband n wife without any Qazi or court. Is this kind of nikah valid in the sight of islam or what is the status of this relationship? 309. A widow of 40 yrs. who is my wife`s sisters daughter. My question is whether I am allowed to marry her as my wife has no objection to do so. 310. My parents ,they rejected and got angry because she does not belong to my cast and region. 311. My question is regarding marriage that Allah says that one who marries completes half of religion 312. I am in love with a non muslim from past 7 years and never inteneded to marry him though as I always thought it is wrong to go against Islam and parents. 313. I would like to know whether it is permisible to have a grand wedding ceremony provided one doesnt go beyond what he/she can afford. 314. I am newly marrid, on first night itself my wife refuse to make sex relation with me 315. Does addressing ur husband (in affection) by the name which u use for ur father makes the nikaah makrooh? 316. Is their any thing like moota in Islam ? 317. I have a question to ask that if one person have Sex (intercourse) with some girl , i heard then he cant marry that girl , its not allowed in Islam? 318. Is dowry haraam in Islam? 319. I was having a discussion with my fiancee about sex without marriage then she told me that she is not a virgin 320. I am a married man but due to some personal reason wish to have a second wife.