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281. Is it allowable for husband to stay out wife for more than 2 yrs in case of earning money in abroad?. 282. I am married muslim girl, my husband cares for me. 283. How much time one person can be away from his wife? 284. Can i marry Christian Girl? Girl Age is 26 & mine is 24. 285. Aslam Alyqum,it is allow to merrage in Moharram? 286. Are there any pre-conditions for a Muslim to get into a second marriage? 287. Alhamdulillah I am trying my best to be as pious a muslim as possible. I would like to know if chatting on internet and discussing religion as well as general things. 288. If we marry we will be together and only have connection with her because of the children. 289. I have married a christain women ealrier she accepted ISlam along with her father and now she denies about accepting ISlam what should i do. 290. If a girl does not like her husband at all (not for any particular reason, but just do not like him to an extent, that she hates him), and also has no physical contacts with him.... is she allowed to take divorce... specially if she was forced for the marriage and can she go against the will of her parents OR should she waste her life into a forced relationship against her will and interest???? 291. Salam , brother i wanted to ask that i sometimes feel like doing `zina` , but i know how wrong it is , so i wanted to ask that i am a student and i will be going abroad for studies and i am planing to do a nikah to some girl over there so that i wont commit zinah. 292. Brother I am a 30 year old girl. Alhamdolillah i have been following Islam with all my love or Allah. One of my colleage was so much impressed with the way i follow Islam, that he also accepted Islam (earlier he was a Christian) and has started learning much about the religion. 293. I want to ask you that if a married woman who is not happy with her marriage life but still compromising with her married life to go on, meets another man and falls in love. 294. I am going to get married to my cousin in two months, however, i do not want to marry him because he doesn`t seem to be able to support me financially . 295. I have been married for abt 8 months and i was engaged in long distance now that we are married and together my husband is a completly different person then the one i knew while we were engage and i talked to over the telephone. 296. Q: if a person is legally married to two wives, how can he have justice with both , alternatively or weekly or can he keep both of them together in one place, is it permitted to share the common bed with both wife. 297. I have already asked many question and i must thank you for all your answers, may allah shower you in his blessings. ok now i just have a question for you, actually its not a question, im about to get married in another 3 months, i just want you to give me some advices about first nite. 298. My parents brought a proposal for me. The boy has pretty OK inclination towards religion but definately not a stuanch follower of all the practices of islam. 299. In the referred question, writing about the requirements of a Nikah to be valid, you have stated that "The consent of the wali or guardian of the bride to the marriage contract. " as one of the requirements. I have some reservations about this clause and would ask you to discuss it further and provide proof from Quran and Hadith as the basis for this requirement. 300. Can I propose a man to marry me, does Islam permits a women to propose a man ?