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221. Can husband drink breast milk of wife? 222. Before marriage seeing bride pic & talking with her is permitted in shariah? 223. Secret marriage. 224. Ritual of first night in marriage. 225. Is civil marriage accepted in Islam 226. What should be ideal age differnce between husband n wife at d time of marry,plz explain pairs made in heaven. 227. Dear Brother, I want to know that as a muslim can I marry with christan..?? 228. Can man be younger than woman in marriage 229. So I tried marriage. I asked my father to propose to my cousin: 1)She is an orphan, so I want to get the reward of being with the Prophet of the day of judgement. 2) she is poor, maybe I can help her out. 3) She is religious, adn I think she will be able to keep me on the straight path. 230. How many times can a man marry & what is the criteria. 231. Is there any Verse in Holy Quran, or any reference in Hadis Mubarak that Allah have made pairs in Heaven. And is there any Verse or Hadith that shows that a person having a good character and who is pious will get a wife with good character and for bad person. 232. Four marriages allowed. 233. Our marriage is fixed in august this year by our parents are happy with the marriage. but myself and my fiancee wants to get marry as soon as we can and we requested our parents to perform our marriage as soon as they can but for some reasons they are unable to do so. 234. I am 42 years old married having 5 kids. In a strange situation I met a girl who is only 20-yrs old and wish to learn and follow Deen of Allah properly. 235. Ma friend is islamic bt is in love with a hindu guy. 236. I know a girl from colleg days, she used to wear hijab that days also and very descent girl and that time she was having a affair with my friend and he used to tell that she is very good girl. 237. Could you please tell me in islam i heard that we are able to marry 4 times what are the condition should be followed. 238. Parents refusal to marriage. 239. 1) I wasnt that religious some time back but now i am and i told her to wear a hijab and she refuses to in this case what should i do should i leave her. 240. Married without nikaah.