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Understanding Quran
241. Why cant we understand the Quran 242. Time taken to understand Quran 243. Quran must be understood from one source 244. Is Quran a complete Guidance? 245. Contradiction in the Quran 246. Shia Quran Meanings 247. Let me pick my own translator 248. Reading Quran 249. Understanding Quran 250. Ahle Zikr 251. Allah promises in the Quran that Imamat will continue 252. Is the guidance of guidance for certain countries only? 253. What does the Quran have to say about the origin of Gold? 254. No one can change the Quran 255. Allah does not appoint the Dai, the Imam az`Zaman appoints the Dai. How can the Dai proclaim translations when the Imam az`Zaman nor those of before never proclaimed a translation. They have books upon books of tasafirs of Quran yet have not issued a translation. Why? Because theQuran is only the Quran when in fusaha arabic as originally revealed. You can explain it, but a literal word for word translation is not possible. Why do muslims still today consider it more important to memorize the Quran in arabic. If you say the translation is correct then lets do like the Christians and memorize the translation because you understand it. Do you see how obsurd this sounds? 256. Can you please advise what we should do as people are misbehaving now days with our quraan in India new Delhi past few days. 257. Quran is in the original form till today. 258. (Quesion NO. 162) Thanks for clearing my thoughts on privious question that I had. question: We are all sinners in a way and do beg for forgiveness to Allah in all our prayers. There are sins that Allah won`t forgive. Can you mention the sins and what the Quran says regarding them? I remember listening to some people say that if you do some kind of sins talked about in the quran then only doing Haj will bring you clear of those, is there anything like that mentioned in the quran or is it one of those false preachings? Say one committed a sin that is not forgivable and in this changing life say the faith is realized, and forgiveness is begged, what does the quran say about those? 259. Why Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim is missing in Surah Taubah? 260. A comman Muslim cannot understand the Holy Quran.