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Understanding Quran
121. Dear respected brother, I know that it is very god for a man to cry for the love and fear of Allah, I heard it in a hadith, can you confirm this? 122. As it is said that the whole Quran came in the form of inspiration(wahi) to our beloved prophet Muhammed (Praise be upon him). Apart from the verses of Quran, there is much more what our prophet has been inspired. 123. When Allah wants something to happen, He says,"be, and it is." Could you elaborate on this? 124. Its very important. Where in the Quran does Allah say that the teachings of Quran are for all times to come till the day of judgement. 125. This is a reminder to you that in the previous mail i have asked you about reading of QURAN in the grave yard wheather it is right or wrong and when we enter in the grave yard what we have to say salam please explain me with the reference of quran ans sahih hadeeth. 126. The below mail says why poverty comes, is it bcz 2. By reading Quran without Wudhu. 8. To eat without washing the hands. 127. I have been reading this verse and trying to understand it carefully. However, I fail to understand the meaning of the word ORPHANS in the below word. Can you provide some detail on this? Thanks. 128. Can you please clarify the meaning of Imaan 129. Which knowledge counts more for women in grave,being an aalima or working women wid punctuality of namaz, islam states man as a bread winner---narrate hadis related to this*** 130. I WANT TO KNOW THAT IN RAMDAN IN ONE OF OUR MOSQUE IN "QIAM UL LAIL" IMAM READ THE QURAN WITH DIFFERENT "QIRA" AND AS PER HIM THIS IS 7TH IMAM "HAMZA" STYLE OF QIRAT, I JUST WANT TO KNOW IS IT CORRECT ,AS I DONT KNOW ARABIC IS THEIR ANY CHANGE OF MEANING OCCUR WHEN WE USE OTHER QIRAT STYLE? 131. I have heard that each Hafiz of the Holy Qur`an (i.e. those who memorize the whole Qur`an) can take ten people of their choice with them to Jannat. Is it true? 132. Science says that normally children are born disabled if the mother is malnourished or proper pre-natal care is not taken. Some Shia sects have it written in their religious books that if the parents have intercourse on certain nights, then the child born from that action will be disabled, either deaf, have extra limb, short limb, etc., etc. 133. Some of my shia friend say that there were two versions of Quran and Hazrat Ali`s version was detroyed by some of the companions and hazrat Usman was murderred because he made few changes to Quran 134. Is there any time in a day during which recitation of Quran is brohibited 135. This means the full sura - Surah Al-Baqara Surah 2 was revealed without the other suras mixing in. 136. Can i read Quran in English 137. Where I can get the Holy Quran with Urdu Translation and Tafsil. 138. Will you like to tell me how many times about Sabar "Patience" have been mentioned in Holy Quran. 139. My question is regarding the authenticity of the Hadith in Al-Tirmidhi regarding the importance of Surah Ya-Seen. 140. On the Day of Judgement, before Allah, no other intercessor will have agreater status than the Qura`an, neither a Prophet nor an angel.