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481. Iam a true believer of islam but unfortunately am in love with a girl who belongs to ahmedi sect,
482. As a muslim person if some one got engaged with muslim girl and soon become married ,and they got involve in each other feeling each other and some times they talk abt the stuff which one usually say after marriage
483. Is it a sin to fall in love or get involved in love before marriage? talking on phone and expressing care and atachment? is it not a sin then to marry anybody else other than loved?
484. Is there any salat which has to be offered before nikah which is intended for nikah. what is minimum and maximum time between which walima can be held. Can walima be held on same day of nikah
485. Are songs haram in islam
486. My questions are :- 1.Who are Mirzaye/qadayani ? 2.Is Nikaah between Sunni and Mirzaye/Qadayani valid ?
487. I have the intention to get married, but I have a lot of debts. If I am to get married now, I would need to take a loan on top of my debts
488. Can we have sex before Rukhsati even if the Nikaah is done an year ago.
489. I wanted to repeat my question regarding a marriage proposal that our family has received from my cousin sister. The proposal is for my younger brother to marry my cousin sister`s daughter who is also roughly the same age.
490. I would like to know what is the duty of a husband towards his wife?Also if the husband wants his wife to stay with his parents that means her in-laws and if the wife disagrees then what is the punishment given to her by Allah.Is it compulsory for her to stay with her in-laws to make her husband happy?
491. I wanted some info on Temporary Marriage. - Umar said: Two types of Mut`a were (legal) during the time of the Prophet and I forbid them both, and I punish those who commit it. They are: Mut`a of pilgrimage and Mut`a of women.
492. Can one marry in month of mohram. In which time or month marriage is prohibited & y.
493. My Question is, it,s about my 1st marriage, I devorced my first wife for personal issues, but I belive 70 percent of it was my fault and 30 percent was hers, and I have moved on now, and got married to another girl, and I love my second wife to bits, because she follows Islam, and I do too.
494. Is it a sin if a girl doesnot marry inspite of the proposal. there is a spinster plus 40 now , 20 yrs back she was engaged and the boy broke the engagement after a year. she was very upset after few years she got proposals but she didn`t like the boys so she refused, people say when she dies, her janaza will be heavy.................... after hearing this the lady is scared and upset.
495. My question is about duas. i like my cousin whom i want too get married too. my parents know about it and they are happy about this desicion. but i have a problem, my problem is that i do not know what that guy thinks of me. he oftens shows me intressed and never says what he feels. iim wondering if there is any dua for getting married too the person i like?
496. My Q is i want to marry but my fiance is 5 years elder then me so can u tell me is it possible to marry
497. Second wife polygamy-i am a muslim girl that is in love with a married muslim man with 4 kids. he realy loves me and wants to marry me but, claims that he love his wife too. is it OK in the muslim religion for a man to have 2 wifes?
498. Marry with the Quran
499. Talk to Faince before Marriage
500. Marrying non Muslims - if a muslim man marrys a nonmuslim women, and she becomes muslim after that with her own wish. is it accepted that she is muslim then?
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