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21. I am controlling my chastit by offering roza,s.. Allhamdulillah. But after a 1 or 2 week, after i had a wet dream, at the end of 1 or 2 week i feel more sex and wish to get rid of wrong thoughts of sex. 22. Zina forgiveness. 23. Zina and forgiveness. 24. I want to know if a women had committed a big mistake like she had a physical relation with some one. 25. I am involved with a boy and we are physically intimate.we have made love and even mastrubated seperately. 26. Forgiveness sin zina. 27. After about 4 years i realised i had done grave sins and repented, and asked my friend that this was wrong and i dont want to do this again. 28. 1. Will Allah accept my prayers? even when the last time i drank alcohol was the week ago. 29. My question is i have had sexual intercourse only vaginal and recieved oral sex from 8 different girls. 30. My question is that I had read in your emails that acceptance of Islam wipes off all past sins. 31. Before marriage rape not tell her husband is write 32. I have a muslim friend who is a very good person. He has had sex with girls while studying in the USA 33. Explain Hadith it is said that a man asks forgiveness and has been forgiven even after repeating the sin 34. WHEN ALLAH HAS MADE US THE WAY HE WANTS US TO BE & KNOW ALL & KNOWS WHAT WE HAVE DONE, ARE DOING & GOING TO DO THEN WHY ARE WE DESTINED TO HEAVEN OR HELL. 35. Please tel me how i can repent 36. Girl repentance 37. Repentance about pornography 38. How to seek forgiveness from Zina? 39. Man wishes taubah 40. Taubah for sins