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81. My question is i was a muslim but not until resently i decided to convert to christainty. but now i want to come back to islam 82. Is it sinful to have bad thoughts? Please answer in the light of Sunnah and the Holy Quran. 83. If someome is an adulter and he takes the punishment of adultry (100 lashes) in order to regret for his bad then can he marry a women who is not an adultress please quote some ayat or hadith in this context 84. I have this big burden on me. Im a born muslim, however my whole 18 yr old life was spent livin non Islamically, eventhough my parents were really religious and I used to get into alot of trouble. At the tender age of 13 I had my first boyfriend.. can you believe it? And then I had like 3 more, however I never let any of them touch me. But when I was 16 my supposed best friend was always tryina fix me up with a guy eventhough she was muslim, 85. Sins for evil thoughts 86. I would like to know if the following are permitted. Smoothening of wrinkles from the face by using lasers etc 87. IF A WOMAN HAS SMOOCHES AND SUCKING OF BREASTS BEFORE MARRIAGE AND WITHOUT KNOWING IT IS A SIN UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF SOMEONE ELSE HOW SHOULD SHE APOLOGISE TO ALLAH? 88. Disobedient to parents and still paradise 89. Definition of back biting 90. The question is that "Is it right or halaal if I have an intercourse with my wife's back part(buttocks)." 91. A husband gave his wife full consent to sleep with another man how is this viewed in Islam 92. I am a wife with age over 45 years and having a relationship with my office staff 93. I just want to leave this world in peace but as soon as possible 94. Could you first of all tell us if this claim of homosexuality being an unpardonable sin is true 95. What punishment is in store for one who lies 96. Masturbation big or small sin 97. Wife abused beaten by husband 98. Love married woman 99. Is masturbation legal? 100. Punishment for anal sex