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181. Whether wearing silver or stainless steel chains were allowed in Islam. 182. Wearing wig is prohibited in islaam. 183. I read the Quran and did not see anything in reference to tattoos. Is it wrong for a Muslim to get a tattoo? 184. When we know that its prohibited, so doing the same don't we disobeying Allah? 185. If one has to open a beauty parlour then this also involves threading of eye brows. 186. I just wanted to let u know that i used head and shoulder shampoo to was my hair 187. Can you please tell me what islam says about keeping over own picture in house 188. I am doing an esthetics course in Canada but the problem seems to be that in my course, you MUST do your eybrows 189. I used to be a social drinker but lately I have started drinking alcohal quite regularly to beat my lonliness. 190. We often keep nick names just to conceal identity of the person we are talking about. 191. I m using a toner for acne in which alchohol is the active ingredient 192. What Islam says about euthanasia and whether it is allowed to assist in ending someone`s life if they are suffering from a terrible disease. 193. Is it true that lead will be poured into the ears of those who listen to music 194. I work in a fast-food restaurant overseas in Australia. The staff working there is multi-cultural; a mixture of scotish, locals, Americans, Egyptians and me Indian. 195. I have been invited for a dinner to my brother`s house for his son`s birthday. 196. I want know about Hadits why a man cant use gold and silk? 197. We are having our Annual office get together and I am in the organizing committee, the problem started when one of my muslim brother said he would not come to the party as there will be alcoh ol served 198. Online lottery 199. ). My question is, since the store also sells products that contain pork apart from beef and other animal products, is my income going to be haram? 200. IF THERE IS SHOW IN WHICH THAT IF YOU GIVE THEM 5 DIRHAM THEN WE PLAY A GAME.IF E WIN THE GAME THAN WE GET GIFT AND IF WE NOT THAN WE ALSO GET GIFT.IS THIS IS GAMBLING