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741. Can we pray namaaz in Gujrati? 742. Where should the woman place her hands while praying? 743. Performing Sajdah 744. Attend jumua friday prayer: If I go for JUMA my colege cant go which is also a problem. 745. Recite Bismillah in every rakah in prayer: .. 746. There is a job from 9.30am till 3pm Monday to Friday: I really need this job but Jummah is more important to me and I need a job. 747. Before my son died ( he was Christian then ), he was able to do his shajada: How to do prayer for demised muslim son 748. Performing sujood on table: salamalaikum my granny performs prayers while sitting on chair and table , she performs sajood by placing her forehead and palms on the table top . one of the imams say that in such situation , sajood should be performed by action alone. They believe that the act of placing forehead and palms is to be done on groundsurface only . please guide us jazakAllah 749. Adhan-Namaaz-Khutbah 750. Dogs & Cats five time washing??? is that so, same problem have few of my collegues!: We have a dog and Cats at home as a pet, we know the cats are no problem for us 751. Advice for a brother who will not pray in jamaat next to someone he dislikes.: hat are some things I can do to help facilitate bringing the young people to accept offering prayer congregationally? 752. Praying twice but leading in the second prayer which is Nafil for me: my brothers Fardh is not accepted 753. Praying 3 times or 5 times? 754. Juma Prayer Missed for 3 consecutive weeks 755. Opinion of the Bohri Adhan? 756. Why do Muslims pray differently? 757. Can one pray anywhere? 758. Firstly I would like to comment on your website. I believe it is a very right thing you are doing, enlightening our fellow mumineen`s on the right teachings of Islam. May Allah bless you, and may he give you the courage to keep on doing so. Ameen. Q1.I would however like to ask you, what does the word MUMINEEN mean? Q2.My second question to you is, that whenever there is a big day in our bohora calendar, we are usually asked to pray two rakaas of namaz in favour of Sayyedna Taher saifuddin and Muhammed Burhanuddin? Isn`t that shirk? 759. Azaan-Namaaz-Khutbah