Q & A (Others)
Q & A Categories
Basic Tenets of Faith - Belief - - Belief in Allaah - - Belief in the Angels - - Belief in Divinely-revealed Books - - Belief in the Messengers - - Belief in the Last Day and the Signs of the Hour - - - Torment and Blessing in the Grave - - - Paradise and Hell - - - The Signs of the Hour - - Belief in the Divine Will and Decree - - Belief in the Jinn, witchcraft and the evil eye - Tawheed (Divine Unity) - - (Unity of) Divine Lordship - - (Unity of) Divinity - - Names and Attributes of Allaah - Shirk and its different forms - intercession - Alliance and Amity, Disavowal and Enmity - Schools of Thought and Religions - - Schools of Thought and Sects - - Religions Hadeeth & its Sciences - Saheeh (sound) hadeeths - Da'eef (weak) hadeeths - Science of Hadeeth - Commentary on Hadeeth The Quraan and its Sciences - Quraanic Exegesis - Virtues of Quraan - Rulings on-Mus-hafs Fiqh of the family - Khul' (divorce initiated by the woman) - Conditions of Marriage - Marriage Contract - Rulings on Marriage - Things which annul marriage - Engagment - Dowry - Mahram Relatives - Women Who are Forbidden for Marriage - Invalid Marriages - Kind Treatment of Spouses - Plural marriage and fair treatment of co-wives - Rights of spouses - Divorce - Custody - Breast Feeding - Waiting Period of Widow or Divorcee - Spending on those under ones responsibility Principles of Fiqh - Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings - - Acts of Worship - - - Purity - - - - Wiping over the socks - - - - Vessels - - - - Cleaning oneself after defecating or urinating - - - - Ablution Before Prayer - - - - Full Ablution - - - - Menstruation and Post-Natal bleeding - - - - Natural character and instinct of the human creation - - - - Removing Impurity - - - - Nullifiers of Wudoo - - - - Answering the Call of Nature - - - - al-Tayammum (“dry” ablution) - - - Prayer - - - - Rulings on prayer - - - - - Conditions for Prayer - - - - - Essentials of Prayer - - - - - How Prayer is Done - - - - - Sunnah Actions in Prayer - - - - - Things Which Invalidate the Prayer - - - - Abandoning or Neglecting Salaat - - - - Making Up Missed Prayers - - - - Times of Prayers - - - - Call for prayer - - - - Rulings on Mosques - - - - Forgetfulness During Prayer - - - - Who Have Valid Excuses - - - - - Prayer of the Sick Person - - - - - Prayer of the Traveler - - - - Leading Prayer - - - - Recitation in Prayer - - - - Congregational Prayer - - - - - Ruling on prayer in congregation - - - - Prayers on various occasions - - - - - Friday Prayers - - - - - Holiday Prayer - - - - - Prayer When There is an Eclipse - - - - Voluntary Prayers - - - - - Prayer Asking for Guidance - - - - - Night Prayer - - - - Prostration when reading Qur’aan and Prostration of thanksgiving - - - - Sifat al-Salaah (description of the prayer) - - - Poor-due or obligatory charity - - - - On What is Zakaah Due - - - - Where Zakaah is to Be Spent - - - - Conditions for Zakaah Being Obligatory - - - - Charity at End of Ramadan - - - - Charitable donations for the sake of Allah - - - - Zakaah ‘urood al-tijaarah (Zakaah on trade goods) - - - - Zakaah al-zuroo’ wa’l-thimaar (zakaah on crops and fruits) - - - - Zakaat Baheemah al-An’aam (Zakaah on an’aam animals) - - - Fasting - - - - Seeing the New Moon - - - - Fast of those who are exempted - - - - - Fasting of the Sick Person - - - - - Fasting of the Traveler - - - - What is recommended for the fasting person - - - - What is permitted for the fasting person - - - - Things which invalidate the fast - - - - Naafil (supererogatory) fasts - - - - Supererogatory Fasts - - - - Days on which it is forbidden to fast - - - - Al-Itikaaf - - - - Expiation - - - - Taraaweeh prayers and Laylat al-Qadar - - - - Issues of fasting - - - - - Between man and wife - - - - Obligation and virtues of fasting - - - - Women in Ramadaan - - - Pilgrimage - - - - Ability - - - - Mahram to Travel with Women - - - - Types of Ritual - - - - Issues of Pilgrimage - - - - Things which are not allowed in Ihraam - - - - Hukm al-Hajj wa’l-‘Umrah (rulings on Hajj and ‘Umrah) - - - - Mistakes made by pilgrims performing Hajj and ‘Umrah - - - - Mawaaqeet (points from which pilgrims enter ihraam) - - - - Ahkaam al-Haramayn (Rulings on the Two Sanctuaries) - - - - Shuroot wujoob al-Hajj (conditions of Hajj being obligatory) - - - - Hajj al-Mar’ah (women’s pilgrimage) - - - - Sifat al-Hajj wa’l-‘Umrah (Description of Hajj and ‘Umrah) - - - - Hajj al-Sagheer (Hajj of children) - - - Vows - - - Sacrifices - - - Funerals and rulings on graves - - - - Giving the reward for righteous deeds to the deceased - - - Striving and migrating for the sake of Allaah - - - - Rulings on Jihaad - - Transactions - - - Business and Financial Transactions - - - - Interest - - - - Forbidden Transactions - - - - Business Partnerships - - - - Investment - - - - Credit Cards - - - - Business Contracts - - - - Taxes - - - - Copyrights - - - - al-Sarf (exchange) - - - Inheritance and distribution of the estate - - - Borrowing & Lending - - - Slavery - - - Guardianship, Representation - - - trusts - - - Forbidden Kinds of Wealth - - - - Gambling - - - Gifts and Presents - - - - Bribes - - - Insurance - - - Compensation - - - Employment for a Salary - - - - Ruling on jobs - - - - Womens Work - - - - Prohibited Jobs - - - - Ja’aalah (price offered) - - - Islamic Endowments - - Blood Money - - Punishment and Judicial Sentences - - - Hadd punishment for slander - - - Apostasy - - - Adultery/fornication and Homosexuality - - Felonies - - - Killing by Mistake, Manslaughter - - Customs and traditions - - - Hunting - - - Rulings on art and acting - - - - Condemnation of Singing and Musical Instruments - - - Rulings on sport, leisure and entertainment - - - Clothing, adornment and images - - - - Womens clothing - - - - Rulings on Dress - - - - Adornments - - - - Images and image-making - - - Races and games - - - Drinks - - - Food & Nourishment - - - - Slaughtering according to sharee’ah - - - - Dhabaa’ih Ahl al-Kitaab (meat slaughtered by the People of the Book) - - - Aqeeqah and rulings on the new-born - - - Medicine and medical treatments - - - - Reciting the Quraan Over a Sick - - - Al-‘Aariyah (borrowing) - - - - al-Ghasab (seizing by force) - - - - - repenting from haraam wealth - - - Lost Property & Illegitimate Children - - - - Illegitimate children - - - - Rulings on lost property - - Shahaadaat (testimonies) - - al-Faraa’id (shares of inheritance) - Usool al-Fiqh - - Sources for Islamic Rulings and Shariah - - Innovations in Religion and Worship - - Accountability Etiquette, Morals and Heart-Softeners - The Heart Softeners - - Rulings on Tawbah - - Love of Allaah - - Sins of the Tongue - - - Backbiting and Gossip - - Supplications prescribed in Shareeah - - Repentance - - Supplication - - - Ad’iyah Mahzoorah (forbidden du’aa’s) - - Virtues of deeds - - Sincerity - - - Showing Off - Manners - - Al-Manaahi al-Lafziyyah (forbidden expressions) - - Reading Quraan - - Kissing-hugging - - Manners of Greeting with Salaam - - Etiquette of eating and drinking - - Etiquette of sneezing - - Sleeping Manners - - Etiquette of Marriage - - Brotherhood in Islam - - Names and Nicknames - - Etiquette of Dreams - - Relationships between the two genders - - - Manners of Speaking With Womans - - Honouring Parents - - Neighbours Rights - - Keeping Contact with Kinship - - etiquette of hospitality - - La educación del viajero - - Animal Rights - Character and Morals - - Praised Manners - - Bad behaviour - - - Love and the steps that lead to immoral actions Knowledge & Propagation - Inviting others to Islam - - Calling Muslims to Islam - - Calling non-Muslims to Islam - - Qualities of one who calls people to Islam - - Means of Dawah - - Rulings on enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil - - - Enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil - Knowledge - - Manners of Seeking Knowledge - - Various branches of knowledge - - Seeking knowledge Psychological and Social Problems - Psychological Problems - Social Problems Islamic history and biography - Virtues and Merits - Biography of the Prophet - - The Companions of the Prophet - The beginning of creation and wonders of creation Pedagogy education and upbringing - Childrens Upbringing - training oneself Islamic politics