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481. I use to pray taubah after Magrib prayers 2 rakaat and after Isya prayers 2 rakaat of Taubah prayers 482. Is it true that I as a mother cannot force my 18 years old son to pray 483. Can any Kaza(missed) namaz be performed after Fajr and/or Asr. 484. What is salatul-hajah? can a muslim recite it? 485. I know that first of all we are not suppose to have late prayers but if we do have them, then is there anyway that we can make them up?.. 486. The question is about sijda sahu.In what situations is sijda sahu wajib for us to do.Is it only in farz namaz that we are allowed to do sijda sahu or in sunnah and nafl also 487. Firstly, i want to keep away from sins. I rarely say my five times prayers and i often skip my Friday`s Prayer. I tried to keep aways from sins i even makes promise to myself but the very next day i again start doing what i hate. 488. We pray in our office. we around 6 - 7 persons. One day the prayer started and it`s in a 2nd Raqa, that time i joined total only 4 person can stand in one line so i cannot stand along with them, 489. What is the propper way to pray a witr prayer.somebody say me that do not pray witr prayer 490. In some mosques the Imam & Muqtadi started saying in loud voice Afzal zikar Lailaha Ilallahhu Mohammadur rasoolullah, after farad namaz with jamat. In this way one who offering his remaining rakats feel very disturbance and cant concentrate on namaz fully, please advice if this was practice of Prophet (pbuh) and his followers. 491. Please tell me that which is the best deed in Islam because of which I can be very close to Allah Subhanavtala 492. Please tell me that which is the best deed in Islam because of which I can be very close to Allah Subhanavtala 493. When Allah talks about `prayer` or `salat` does he mean `namaaz`? 494. I have heard from unreliable sources that Women can offer Salah (Namaz) after the completion of their 3rd day of Menses, 495. Clothing required by woman for prayers 496. Prayer in congregation earns 25 or 27 times more than praying alone. How much times does it earn in the Haram (Makkah or Madinah) 497. Like all, I am eager in concentration in prayers and try my best to do so. By the Grace of Almighty, I am present in the mosque for Fajr, the rest depends where I am during the day time, but I try my best for congregational prayer all five times. 498. Pls. provide me the correct procedure of sajda sau 499. I have been living and working in Saudi Arabia for the last 18 years. I go to Pakistan or some other place during my annual vacation for a month. My question is:1)Do I pray the full prayers in Pakistan, as I have blood relatives there ( the common Bohra practice) or do I shorten the prayers 500. What is your view on 1. A woman leading congretional prayers of men and women. 2. A woman leading congretional prayers of only women