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721. Right way to perform the prayers
722. Jumma tul Wida
723. I have been reading your emails with great interest and thanks for educating us in the great religion of Islam. With all due respect I do not agree with everything you say but at the same time many of your topics are right on the money. I believe that Bohora-ism is very strong from religion point of view but very corrupt from political point of view. I also believe the root cause of our curruption is doing SALAAMS with money to those appointed by our Sayedna in power positions. Q1: Why are we not allowed to conduct an imamat namaaz in my own house with my own family ? All the sects do allow the head of the family to conduct imamat namaz. I understand and fully accept the premise that in masjid we should have pious leader to lead the community in a namaz but in my own house I am the head and therefore, logically I should be allowed. Q2: In Islam, what is the criteria by which a divorce can occur? Recently, A muminaat initiated a divorcce and his alcoholic, abusive husband refused to grant her divorce until her family paid a large sum of money. I thought it was very unfair that Islam binds us to such limitations (only husband can grant divorce).
724. Dear Mr. Burhan Bhai, Pls advise how is `Qasar` prayers being said? Example, we are being told that if you are in safar (travelling beyond 20 kms) and reach a destination and you donot have a Mehraam person living there then during zohar/asar/magrib & isha you only pray 2 rakaats each only, and not the normal. Whilst, others say that though you have a Mehraam but if you are only staying for few hours and you wouldn`t be able to pray all the five times then still one has to pray 2 rakaats only. Again some say that once you have a Mehraam person living then you can pray full rakaats (full namaaz) even if you are staying for few hours or one day OR you can pray full namaaz without a Mehraam person unless one decides to stay for more than 10 days. Tell me which is correct? and can you pls clearly explain this in detail. Your Brother In Islam, Iqbal Alibhai.
725. Slavery and Qasr Prayers
726. Dear Brother: Assalamo-alaikum My Bohri fraind told me that he will have to move to be within 12 miles of town line where new mosque is being built in Boston suburb. Anybody living beyond 12 miles will not be able to perform regular `Fard` prayers. Instead they will be performing `Qasr` Prayers. I am Muslim and was taught that you perform regular preyers when praying behind resident Imam. Visiting Mumeen might be asked to lead prayers and he may pray shortened prayers but resident followers are required to continue and finish regular prayers. Please, guide my fraind. Should he sell his house and move to be within this 12 mile limit set by Authority? What is your opinion regarding shortende prayers in this day and age of travel? Jazak allah
727. Prayers in unusual circumstances
728. Janazah Prayers of the Prophet (saws)
729. Why do Bohras pray 3 times?
730. Why do Bohras pray 3 times?
731. Imam prayed Qasr namaaz
732. Imam prayed Qasr namaaz
733. Prayer Timings
734. Namaaz Arkaans
735. Prayer Details
736. Full Prayer
737. Kaza prayers
738. Clarification on Qasr prayers.
739. Why do we pray 5 times? Why cant we listen to music?
740. Praying beside someone who is wearing a pigskinleather jacket
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