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101. Is make-up prohibited in Islam? 102. My problem is my husband. From the first year of our marriage he had depended on me working as supporting the family financially 103. I want to ask about the ghusl of the women after mensturation. 104. ``Allah says `` Make yourselves most beautifull when you come to the mosk 105. Are women allowed to visit the grave yard? 106. Can a women see other women nude......or it is a sin......? 107. In the period of menstruation can a women recite the Holy Quran with out touching? 108. My Mestural period lasts sometimes more then 7 days...I`ve heard from someone, that after 7 days of your period 109. Is it necessary for woman to wash all her long hairs after janabah ? 110. Is allowed for a woman to particpate in sport activities 111. I had a miscarriage recently andeven after 1month i still notice some blood fibres coming out during urination and intercourse. 112. I am not trying to be disobediant, I have just been thinking about this hijab thing. 113. I did not understand how it is that a Muslim woman must be covered from her chest up to her knees only? 114. Saleh(good ) men have marks of sujud on their forehead what is the sign of good woman? 115. Does a woman has to cover her feet while praying 116. I have heard through some people that the voice of a woman is not to be heard by men. 117. Is it true that women do not have to go to the mosque, but men HAVE to? 118. I have plants at home, but someone recently told me that when I am having my periods I should not touch my plants 119. Is it obligatory for women to cover their feet during prayer 120. My sister sitting in Iddah, she is living in a circle with her husband`s brother`s families surrounding.