1. EvidenceProhibiting of Mixing of Men and Women 2. Numbers of rak’ahs in Taraaweeh prayer 3. If countries differ with regard to when Ramadaan begins and when the day of ‘Arafah is, with whom should I fast? 4. Is it recommended to fast ten days of Dhu’l-Hijjah including the day of Eid? 5. Who is the Dajjaal 6. Ruling on men wearing white gold 7. The meaning of Tawheed and its categories 8. Jinn Possession 9. Tashahhud Originated During the Mi‘raj? 10. The reward of one whose child dies and he bears that with patience 11. When is it permissible for a person to pray sitting in obligatory prayers? 12. Does touching a dog make one's hand naajis (impure)? 13. If she sees some brownish discharge after her period ends, should she pray and fast? 14. Adhkar Recited After Prayer 15. Rulings that apply only to women during Hajj 16. Coping with wet dreams 17. “When the wings of the night spread , keep your children in, for the devils come out at that time” 18. Reasons for the punishment in the grave 19. How can he make up for missed prayers? 20. Having a blood sample taken for testing does not invalidate the fast