Time taken to understand Quran
Mu' meneen Brothers
and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa
Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be
upon all of you)
One of our
brothers/sisters has asked this question:
Dear Burhan,
I am most
impressed by your understanding of Islam and would like to be guided by you
through attendance of spiritual
meetings. If this is not possible how do we go about this quest. Tell me how
much time did it take for u to read and understand the Quran. The little that I
have read of Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation doesnt make for very easy
comprehension. Pls advice me.
Thanking you
(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above
statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and
statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)
Time taken to understand Quran
In the name of Allah, We praise
Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none
can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright.
We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person, no grave, no prophet,
no imam, no dai, nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear
witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His
All praise is due to Allah
Alone, who has guided us and honored us to be muslims. Had Allah not helped us and
had mercy upon us, we would have been utterly ruined in this world, and in the
hereafter. Glorified and Exalted
is Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and everything that exists
in between.
Your request: would like to be guided by you through
attendance of spiritual meetings.
One of the best way to obtain
guidance is by attending the Quran understanding classes done by a good
scholar. These classes are held
almost over the world by the brothers who work in the Cause of Allah. Wherever you may be residing, the
chances are that these Quranic classes are being conducted on a regular
basis. Brother, if you could give
us the city and country where you are residing, we will most probably be able
to guide you to these meetings,
Insha Allah. The main
advantage with these Quranic classes under a scholar, is that the scholar will
always be available to clarify any of the questions that may arise.
Your Question:
Tell me how much time did it take for u to read and understand the Quran.
My personal situation was a
little different and complicated, but once I got to the stage where I read the
Holy Quran with understanding, it did not take me long at all. I was so desperately searching for
the Truth, that I did some heavy reading, and I don’t remember exactly, but it
must have taken me not more than one month to finish reading the Quran the
first time.
I will try and tell you briefly
how I came to read and understand the Quran. I was born in a staunch Dawoodi Bohra
family, where my father and almost
all my uncles were Bohra ‘shaikhs’.
I grew up in this environment, and basically accepted the deen followed
by my family. I always used
to have doubts about why this and why that, but was never explained, and
basically told to shut up and look at the Syedna, and keep following the Bohra
When I was about 22 years of
age, my friend invited me to one of the Quran study classes, where a scholar would
translate and explain some aayahs of the Quran every week. I initially refused to go,
because I was brought up and taught never to learn the deen from any other than
the ‘raza na saahib’, otherwise I would become mis-guided. But these ‘raza na saahibs’ never
taught the deen from the Quran, but rather always spoke about the History of
the Muslims after the death of the Prophet (saws).! Alhamdolillah,
I went to this Quran study class.
It was very casual, and the scholar used to read one of the small surahs
from the last chapter of the Quran and then explain its meanings. The advantage was that I myself had a
fair knowledge of the Arabic language, and could understand the Arabic words
fairly well. Anyways,
after the ‘dars’ was over, there always used to be a question and answer
session, and I began arguing with the scholar that the Bohra beliefs were
right, and he was wrong. He asked me whether I had ever read the
Quran with understanding, and
obviously I had not; thus I told him ‘no’. He then requested me to
read the Quran with understanding once, and find out if what I believed since
birth was from the Quran or not!
I did not immediately read the Quran, but used to attend the classes
every week and argue with the scholar from the knowledge that I had from
hearing the ‘waaz’, etc.
He was extremely polite and always gave evidence from the Quran for
whatever he said.
After about six months of
attending these classes, one evening, I ran into a very heated argument with
the scholar on some subject, but he kept on giving evidence from the Quran
which was absolutely different and contrary to what I was taught since
childhood. This is when I
challenged him and told him that I would read the Quran myself and bring him
evidence from this very Book, that the Bohras were right and he was wrong! This is when I picked up the
Quran and started reading it to prove the Bohra belief right.
The Quran is eloquent, so
beautiful, so clear and so perfect in its preaching, that it leaves no room for
any mis-understanding in Islam.
And one by one, all the questions that I ever had, and all the doubts
that I ever had, were answered by this Glorious Book of Allah! By the time I reached the
14th Chapter of Surah Ibrahim, I remember, I started crying profoundly.
There was just no room for invoking and worshipping anybody other than Allah
Subhanah Alone! Allah
absolutely closes all the doors of ‘shirk’, and opens the heart to believe,
invoke, worship, and fear the One Lord Alone!
I was now in a dilemma! Whether to believe what the Quran was
guiding towards, or whether to
believe what I was taught since childhood and carry on invoking and worshipping
human beings and graves with Allah?
Allah guided me to choose the Quran as Supreme, and from that day,
Alhamdolillah, I left the invoking, worshipping and bowing down to human beings
and graves, and began invoking,
worshipping and bowing down to the One Lord, Allah Alone!
From then on I began my serious
study of the Quran, and read almost all the available translations of the Holy
Quran in English. No matter
who the translator was, the
meanings and context of the aayahs of the Quran did not change. I read volume after volume, time
and time again; and everytime I read the Quran, Allah opened my heart a little more towards the
understanding of this beautiful Book and Islam.
The literal meaning of the
Arabic word ‘Quran’ means something which is read over and over again. And no matter how many times you
read the Quran, your hearts expands a little more, and its aayahs and its
guidance become more and more clearer to you. Subhan Allah!
I bear witness, that the Holy
Quran is the only book one needs to read and understand, if he truly wants to
be guided aright. The Quran is the
very words of our Lord and Creator, and He, The All Wise, The All Knowing, has
sent it as a Mercy for our guidance.
There is absolutely no other source of guidance, except the Holy Quran,
and it is a duty unto every muslim to read and understand this Book, if he truly
wants to be guided aright.
And I assure you brother, once you read the Glorious Quran with
understanding, no one will ever be able to misguide you in Islam!
Your Comment: The
little that I have read of Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation doesnt make for
very easy comprehension. Pls advice me.
I really can
understand and relate to your condition. But if you keep a few simple things in mind, before
you start reading the Holy Quran,
it will be easier to get guidance from this Glorious Book of Allah.
First, lets see
what Allah Himself has to say about His Book:
Allah says in Chapter
2, Surah Baqarah aayat 185:"Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was
sent down: this Book is a perfect guidance for mankind and consists of CLEAR
teachings which show the right way and are a Criterion of the Truth and
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 16 Surah Nahl verse 89:We have sent down to you this Book, which
makes everything plain, and is a guidance, blessing and good news to those who
have surrendered themselves entirely.
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 19 Surah Maryam verse 97:Mohamed, We have made this Quran easy,
and sent it down in your tongue so that you should give good news to the pious
and warn the stubborn people.
2. This book is not like all the other books we are used
to reading; where the author first introduces all the characters of the story,
then plots the story and events, then there is a climax, and then there is a
conclusion in the end. This Book was actually delivered as a series of speeches
which was revealed to the Prophet (saws) through inspiration, by The All Wise,
All Knowing, Allah Subhanah.
Although it may seem incoherent at first to the reader, the Holy Quran
is absolutely in context and extremely coherent in its guidance.
3. If you really want to attain proper guidance, please start
reading in line from the first chapter Surah Fateha, then the second chapter
Surah Baqarah, then the third and so on. Allah Himself has commanded the collection and
formation in the way that is available to us today, for our guidance. Sometimes what happens is that some
brothers just open the Quran in the middle and try to understand the meaning of
some verses or some particular Surah. It would give you as much guidance as if someone took
someone’s oral speech and tried to understand the whole context of the speech
by listening to a few lines said in-between! Thus it is very important for the first time
reader to read the Holy Quran in the manner it is collected. Allah, in His Supreme Wisdom and
Knowledge, commanded that the Quran be collected in this formation for our
guidance; and without a doubt, this is the best way to get guidance.
4. One thing you must do before you start reading the Holy
Quran, is beg Allah to guide you to the Truth, and bestow His Mercy upon you,
and grant you the wisdom and the knowledge to comprehend His Message; for it is
Allah Alone Who guides whomever He wills.
And whoever prays and supplicates Allah to guide him to the Truth, Allah
will always help him to find the Truth.
There is no doubt that the
translation by brother Abdulla Yusuf Ali is indeed one of the best in the
English language. It is
universally regarded and accepted as the best and most authentic translation of
the Holy Quran in the English language. If one needs a line by line translation of the Quran
in English, there is no translation better than that of brother Abdulla Yusuf
Ali. But, for a first time
reader, this translation might be a little difficult to understand and
comprehend, as a line by line translation breaks the continuity of the subject
matter and makes it seem incoherent. Also, brother Abdulla Yusuf Ali does use the biblical
words like Thee, Thou,
Maketh, Shalt, etc. which becomes a little difficult for
the brothers to understand the Message properly, especially if they are reading the Quran for the first time.
There are many other eminent and
worthy scholars, who have done
very good translations in simple layman’s English, which would be ideal for a first time
reader. One of the best of such
translations is “The Meaning of the Holy Quran” by Syed Abul Aala Maududi. This author has used very simple
English, and anyone who can read and understand English will be able to understand
this translation very well. To
make the understanding easy and more fruitful, the author has not done a line
by line translation, but rather a paragraph by paragraph translation depending
on the subject. This
makes for a much more coherent, and easy understanding of the Holy Quran.
I would highly recommend that
you read the translation by Syed Abul Aala Maududi. And if you cannot find one, please do send us your
postal address, and we will arrange to mail this translation to you as soon as
possible, Insha Allah, for the Pleasure of Allah Subhanah.
May Allah bless your decision to
read His Message with understanding. May Allah help you and guide you in your search for
the Truth. May Allah
increase your quest for the knowledge of Islam. Ameen.
Brother, if you have any
questions or need any further clarifications, please do not hesitate to write
to us. It would a honor and
a pleasure for us, to help you in your search for the Truth, Insha Allah. May Allah accept our humble
and weak efforts in the propagation of His deen of Truth, and save us from the
Hell Fire. Ameen.
Whatever written of Truth and
benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error
is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best
and He is the Only Source of Strength.
Your brother and well wisher in