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161. I contribute toward a company pension scheme every month.some time company also contributes toward it.At end of each year a statement show value of schem now;but money would only be availibe to me or my wife after retirment. And if me and my wife dies before retirment age whole money goes to goverment.Do i need to pay zakat on that money???. Money after retiment will be given to me and my wife in installsments.
162. My question is what is rules for jaakath?
163. "Should I give zakat and fitra to a non muslim".
164. Assalamualikum. We were not rich.At present we do have some money in bank and we do have some auto loan ( from bank ). Please let us know how we calculate our Zakat.
165. Is Zakat payable on Plot of land
166. On the question of Zakat, is Zakat due on new wealth created and held for a year or whatever a person possesses at the end of the fiscal year.
167. I purchased a plot last month for IRS850,000.00 in India but I hv borowed IRS270,000.00 loan against mortgaging jewellery to purchase the plot
168. As an Accountant i have question that how to calculate Zakat of the Partnership or Sole proprietor Company`s at the end of the Financial year.
169. I want to know how we have to take out the zakat on cash, land, gold and fixed Assets.
170. I want to know if ZAKAT is a must on a person even if he/she has an almost equal share of assets and depths.
171. I had savings to the amount of 1,50, 000 from my monthly salary which I have saved for my marriage as my father cannot afford it.
172. Please let me know if zakat is applicable on asset which is less than a year in possesion
173. Please let me know about the zakat on shares withheld, borrowed money and lended money.
174. Can we give Zakat to our blood relative ?
175. My question is on the topic of Zakat, I have bought 2 properties with a loan from the bank
176. I had savings to the amount of 1,50, 000 from my monthly salary which I have saved for my marriage as my father cannot afford it.
177. I couldn`t pay zakat last year and i don`t think that i`ll be able to pay it this year too.
178. (Quection No:5509)I just wanted to have some clarification regarding ZAKAT.
179. As part of question 4497- you had answered that 2.5% zakath is due on Diamonds and stones.
180. My brother owes me some money and i would like to know if I have to pay zakat for that which is owed to me.
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