1. Will the prayers of one who drinks alcohol not be accepted for forty days? 2. Ruling concerning women covering their feet in prayer 3. How should an Islamic wedding party be? 4. Names whose use is forbidden 5. It is permissible to sleep on one’s left side 6. Praying for the newborn to be righteous in various ways 7. Ruling on the things that lead to zina – kissing, touching and being alone together 8. He committed zina with her and she got pregnant; can he marry her while she is pregnant or should she abort he foetus? 9. Ruling on women visiting graves 10. Accepting a gift from a kaafir on the day of his festival 11. Examples of good deeds we can do every day to increase our hasanaat 12. If a woman’s nifaas ends before forty days, she should do ghusl and pray and fast 13. Commentary on the hadeeth, “A woman may be married for four things…” 14. What should a Muslim do when he wants to consummate his marriage? 15. Ways of protecting oneself from nightmares and disturbing dreams 16. Doubts about the obligation to let the beard grow and answers to them 17. The ideal way to send blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him 18. Having a blood sample taken for testing does not invalidate the fast 19. Seeing Laylat al-Qadr 20. What should the husband do for his wife during pregnancy?