1. Description of the funeral prayer 2. Using toothpaste whilst fasting 3. Do the dead visit or feel or see one another in their graves? 4. Ruling on Eid prayers 5. Ruling on playing chess 6. Ruling on jihad and kinds of jihad 7. Black Magic and Satanic Possession 8. Sin and its Effects on the One Who Commits it 9. The pillars, obligatory parts and Sunnahs of prayer 10. Is man’s fate pre-destined or does he have freedom of will? 11. Ruling on offering congratulations at the beginning of the Hijri year 12. How can a woman pray Taraweeh in her house? 13. Should Taraweeh prayer be offered individually or in congregation? Is completing the Qur’aan in Ramadaan bid’ah? 14. Dealing With a Cheating Husband 15. Differences in Prayer for Men and Women 16. Means of expiating sin 17. Fasting on the day of the Mi’raaj and the day of Shab-e-baraath 18. She feels sad and depressed, and is asking for a solution 19. A Muslim woman is in love with a Christian man and wants to marry him 20. Ruling on husband and wife playing while fasting