1. The benefits of drinking camel urine 2. The reason why gold is forbidden for men 3. To what extent can the husband’s relatives interfere in his wife’s life? 4. Sleeping after Fajr and ‘Asr 5. Does anal intercourse cancel the marriage contract? 6. She has gone off him and doesn't want to have any intimacy with him in bed 7. In what order missed prayers should be made up 8. Eid prayer for women is Sunnah 9. What is 'Aqeedah? 10. Masturbating when fasting 11. Fasting on the day of the Mi’raaj and the day of Shab-e-baraath 12. Who has more right to custody in Islam? 13. How to protect oneself against the evil eye 14. Celebrating birthdays is not allowed 15. Ruling on dealing in currencies in the FOREX system and paying fees for delaying the deal 16. Ruling on eating horse meat 17. Where is the soul, and what happens to it, after a person has died and before he is buried? 18. What is the right age to get children used to fasting? 19. Is it essential to stop eating and drinking as soon as one hears the adhaan for Fajr? 20. “When the wings of the night spread , keep your children in, for the devils come out at that time”