1. Salaat al-Kusoof (prayer when there is an eclipse) 2. Who are the mahrams in front of whom a woman can uncover? 3. Ruling on dyeing hair with black 4. Names whose use is forbidden 5. How can a woman determine that her period has ended so that she can pray? 6. What is the best way to treat anxiety? 7. Problem between a daughter and her mother 8. Does nail polish invalidate wudoo’ and do the prayers have to be repeated? 9. Ruling on men wearing white gold 10. EvidenceProhibiting of Mixing of Men and Women 11. Ruling on Eid and the Sunnahs of Eid 12. Mawlid al-Nabi (the Prophet’s birthday) 13. The virtue of fasting six days of Shawwaal 14. The difference between maniy, madhiy and moisture 15. Does touching a dog make one's hand naajis (impure)? 16. Is it recommended to fast ten days of Dhu’l-Hijjah including the day of Eid? 17. Ruling on singling out Friday for fasting 18. Reducing the mahr is the Sunnah 19. Ruling on wearing engagement and wedding rings 20. Is there any hadd punishment or expiation for masturbation?