1. Ruling on women visiting graves 2. Masturbating when fasting 3. Does women’s hijab have to be black? 4. Dealing With a Cheating Husband 5. Ruling on husband and wife playing while fasting 6. Who is the Dajjaal 7. Ruling on wearing engagement and wedding rings 8. What should a Muslim do when he wants to consummate his marriage? 9. What can benefit the deceased after his death? Can he hear what the living say? 10. The degrees and levels of Paradise and Hell, and the deeds that take one to them 11. Means of expiating sin 12. Removing hair and nails during the menstrual period 13. Ruling on wife taking the husband’s last name if the husband insists on that 14. Is it sunnah to shave the hair of a newborn girl? 15. He committed zina with her and she got pregnant; can he marry her while she is pregnant or should she abort he foetus? 16. Inserting fingers into the back passage 17. Making up prayers at times when prayer is disallowed 18. Menstruating woman entering the mosque to attend a class or a halaqah for memorizing Qur’aan 19. Is there a set age for marriage in Islam? 20. Knowledge in Islam