1. Ruling on making du’aa’ in languages other than Arabic in the prayer 2. Dreams 3. Adhkar Recited After Prayer 4. Is it sunnah to shave the hair of a newborn girl? 5. Reasons for which one may excused from fasting in Ramadaan 6. The meaning of Tawheed and its categories 7. Ruling on a person touching the Qur’aan without wudoo’, and the meaning of the hadeeth, “The believer is never impure” 8. Buying lottery tickets 9. Reciting al-Faatihah during prayer 10. Ways of Treating Magic 11. Ruling on praying in a garment on which there is a picture of an animal or a person 12. Differences in Prayer for Men and Women 13. Hitting one’s wife? 14. Ruling on a woman putting her picture on Facebook 15. Description of wudoo’ 16. Yoga, its origins and the ruling on practising it 17. Did the dinosaurs really exist? 18. He has a number of questions about zakat al-fitr 19. How can he make up for missed prayers? 20. Shaving the hairs on the testicles and around the anus