1. Virtues of the Day of Arafaah 2. Is it better to fast on Mondays and Thursdays or on three days of each month? 3. Why is the apostate to be executed in Islam? 4. When is it permissible for a woman to uncover her face? 5. Jinn Possession 6. Suffering From Waswas (Insinuating Whispers) of the Shaytan About the Essence of Allah 7. The mahr (dowry) is the right of the wife 8. Ruling on drinking beer 9. Is it permissible for Muslims to vote for kaafirs who seem to be less evil? 10. Disturbed by Waswas (Whispers From the Shaytan) and Evil Thoughts 11. Correct Hijaab 12. My mother’s rights over me, my rights over her, and the extent of my independence 13. Hanging pictures of people in the house 14. Making up prayers at times when prayer is disallowed 15. Ruling on committing suicide because of depression 16. Rings and chains for men 17. She sees a dry brownish-reddish spot a few days before her period 18. The virtues of Ramadaan 19. Ruling on men wearing white gold 20. Is there any hadd punishment or expiation for masturbation?