The earnings of wife.
Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
(May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)
One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:
Aliakkum Dear Brother,
Since i also earn is it right to combine my husband`s and my salary and do our
financing or should i keep my salary separate for my personal use only"
answer in the light of Quran and Sunnah.Thank you.
(There may be some grammatical and spelling
errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
The earnings of wife
In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His
help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide,
and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear
witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear
witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His
Dear and beloved Sister in Islam, Islam has laid the
complete financial responsibility of running a family and household on the
shoulders of the men; and it is entirely the responsibility of the men in Islam
to spend of their lawfully earned wealth on the upkeep of their family and
their household.
The believing woman is well within her rights to work and
earn in Islam; she is entitled to and is the sole owner of the wealth she has
earned or belongs to her; and she is well within her rights to spend her own
wealth wherever she wills and pleases.
She may save all or part of her wealth, she may spend all or part of it,
she may give all or part of it in charity, she may gift all or part of it to
her friends or her family or her loved ones, etc…..basically she is the sole
owner and master of the wealth she earns and owns, and she may spend of her
wealth wherever she wills and pleases.
The husband has absolutely no right over the wealth of his
wife in Islam, nor does he have a right to demand that some of the expenses of
running or maintaining the household be spent from the wealth that is owned
solely by his wife. Even if the wife is a millionaire and the husband a pauper,
it will still remain the duty and the responsibility of the husband in Islam to
bear the financial burden of running the household.
But if the believing woman who earns or has her own
wealth, of her own free will, wishes to bear a part of her husband’s financial
burden and spend of her own wealth or earnings on maintaining or running the
household, there is absolutely no harm. In such a situation, the husband should
appreciate the generous gesture and ‘ehsaan’ (an act done over and above one’s
role or duty) of his wife.
Thus in conclusion sister, although there is absolutely no
obligation upon the believing woman in Shariah to spend of her own wealth on
running or maintaining the household, if of her own free will she wishes to
help bear a part of her husband’s financial burden, she is well within her
rights to do so.
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only
due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me
alone. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is
the Only Source of Strength.
Your brother and
well wisher in Islam,