Syednas Promises
meneen Brothers and Sisters,
As Salaam
Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and
Blessings be upon all of you)
One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:
you for your inspired lecture on Aqa Maula's falsehood. But as far as fact and
the meaning of Aqa Maula's promise goes, is it not correct to say that he
insistantly and constantly promises Jannat to those who cling to the rope of
Islam? Am i wrong in saying that being a believer of Aqa Maula (Seyedna
Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb) makes you submit to Islam with acknowledgement and
belief in the Quran AND Maulana Mohammed ul Mustapha (SAW) (the holy prophet's)
progeny? Is it wrong then for Aqa Maula to say that being my believer you are
vouched safe journey to Jannat? Is it not our duty, as per Aqa Maula's tireless
sermons and revelations of secrets from the Quran, that we manifest in genuine
and good faith what these people say? Do you find it difficult to believe that
Islam as a religion and way of life imbibe doing good deeds too, not only submitting
to your Creator and conforming to the norms of your religious society? Do you
find it difficult to believe in the praiseworthy efforts of Aqa Maula in
memorising the Quran, and being able to comprehend it far better than yourself?
Do you, I ask you, find it difficult to stomach that Aqa Maula tirelessly
beseeches his "followers" to believe in him and thus know him, for
having faith is also to have concern, so that your life is inclined towards the
principles and teachings of Islam that are inlaid in the Holy Quran? Do you
find it difficult to believe that Aqa Maula believes and trusts the Quran, and
as his high office requires has painstakingly pursued from a very young age,
its meaning and commissioned to memory its truth and teaching? It is without doubt,
that Aqa Maula, as a preacher and caller to Allah's final deen on earth,
desires to, as prophets and imams have done before, call the people to faith by
example and then when you do submit and acceptAllah as your Creator, worship no
idol, no human, no other being living or non, as is exemplified in Aqa Maula's
life and the history of the past holders of his high office that he can claim
heaven for you. Did not the prophet call people to Islam by its truth and that
by abiding to it you are vouched safe journey to heaven from earth? Did not
every prophet call their believers with the promise of eternal freedom in
clenching the rope that Allah has sent from heaven?
(There may be some grammatical and spelling
errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and who-ever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person, no grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai, nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
Your comment: But as far as fact and the meaning of Aqa
Maula's promise goes, is it not correct to say that he insistantly and
constantly promises Jannat to those who cling to the rope of Islam?
Allah promises that whoever believes and does good deeds according to the syllabus of the Holy Quran will deserve His Mercy and His Forgiveness. And Allah has a better right to be believed than anybody else.
says in the Holy Quran Chapter 18 Surah Kahf verse 1-3: All praise is for Allah
Alone, Who has sent down this Book to His Servant (Mohamed (saws), and assigned
nothing crooked to it. This Book says
everything directly, so that he may warn the people of the severe chastisement
of Allah and give good news to the believers, who do righteous deeds, that they
will have an excellent reward.
question: Am i wrong in saying that being a believer of Aqa Maula (Seyedna
Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb) makes you submit to Islam with acknowledgement and belief
in the Quran AND Maulana Mohammed ul Mustapha (SAW) (the holy prophet's)
We are commanded in the Holy Quran to submit to Allah and follow the Messenger of Allah (saws). Anyone who says anything other than the above two sources is not to be followed. We are never commanded in the Quran to follow anybody’s progeny, not even the Prophet’s. Follow Allah and His Messenger (saws) and you will be guided aright… that is the clear and simple message of the Holy Quran.
says in the Holy Quran Chapter 3 Surah Ale Imran verse 31-32: O Prophet, tell
the people, “If you sincerely love Allah, follow me. Then Allah will love you and forgive you your sins, for He is All
Forgiving, All Merciful.” Also say to
them, “Obey Allah and His Messenger.” And
if, in spite of this, they do not accept your invitation, warn them that Allah
does not love those, who refuse to obey Him and His Messenger.
question: Is it wrong then for Aqa Maula to say that being my believer you are
vouched safe journey to Jannat?
Yes, that is absolutely wrong! Allah commands us to believe and follow Him and His Messenger (saws). Jannat is in the Control and Decision of Allah, and no one else. If you decide to believe and follow anybody else, you will go to any place, but not Jannah. The way to Jannah is the way of the Holy Quran.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Al Baqarah verse
111-112: The (Jews and Christians) say: “None shall enter Paradise unless he be
a Jew or a Christian.” These are their wishful
fancies! Say to them, “Bring your
evidence if you are right in your claim!”.
The fact is that no one has any special claim to Paradise! Whoever surrenders himself to Allah in
obedience, and is a door of good deeds, shall have his reward with His
Lord. There shall be neither fear nor
grief for such people.
question: Is it not our duty, as per Aqa Maula's tireless sermons and
revelations of secrets from the Quran, that we manifest in genuine and good
faith what these people say?
We must manifest in genuine and good faith not what some people say, but what Allah and His Messenger (saws) say! The decision is entirely yours… either follow Allah and His Messenger (saws), or follow anybody else for whom Allah has not sent any authority. All will be decided by Allah on the Day which is inevitable in its coming. That Day, one will surely come to know the Power and Majesty of Allah Subhanah, and the weak and helpless are all those whom you believed other than Allah.
says in the Holy Quran Chapter 33 Surah Ahzab verse 66-68: On the Day their
faces are rolled about on the Fire, they will say, “Would that we had obeyed
Allah and His Messenger!” And they will
say, “O our Lord, we obeyed our CHIEFS and our GREAT MEN, and they led us
astray from the Right Path. O our
Lord, give them a double chastisement and curse them severely”.
question: Do you find it difficult to believe that Islam as a religion and way
of life imbibe doing good deeds too, not only submitting to your Creator and
conforming to the norms of your religious society?
Islam is the submission, invocation, worship and devotion to the One God, Who created everything in existence. This way or ‘Siraat’ has been described in detail in the Glorious Quran. If anyone follows any other way, then he is headed for terrible and horrendous end.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 22 Surah Hajj verse 78:
Exert your utmost for the cause of Allah, as one should. He has chosen you for His service and has
not laid on you any hardship in your deen.
Therefore, be steadfast in the religion of your father, Abraham. Allah had called you ‘Muslims” before this,
and has called you (by the same name) in this Quran also, so that the Messenger
may be a witness in regard to you, and you may be witnesses in regard to the
rest of mankind. Therefore, establish
the ‘salaat’ and pay the ‘zakaat’, and hold fast to Allah. Allah is your ‘Maula’: what an excellent ‘Maula’ and what an
excellent Helper!
Who are these other ‘Maulas’ people have made other than Allah?
question: Do you find it difficult to believe in the praiseworthy efforts of
Aqa Maula in memorising the Quran, and being able to comprehend it far better
than yourself?
There are literally hundreds of thousands of muslims who have memorized the Holy Quran and call to the worship and invocation of the One Allah Alone!! Anyone who memorizes the Quran, and wears the garb of Islam, but invites people to invoke himself and his ancestors in their graves, invites to nothing but the eternal fire of Hell. Anyone who allows that human beings bow down to him and the graves of his ancestors in ‘sajdah’, invites to nothing but the fire of Hell. Allah Alone deserves our invocation, devotion and worship… and no one else.
says in the Holy Quran Chapter 22 Surah Hajj verse 77: O you who believe, do
‘rukoo’ and ‘sajdah’ to Allah Alone, worship Allah Alone, and do righteous
deeds. It may be that you attain true
question: Do you, I ask you, find it difficult to stomach that Aqa Maula
tirelessly beseeches his "followers" to believe in him and thus know
him, for having faith is also to have concern, so that your life is inclined
towards the principles and teachings of Islam that are inlaid in the Holy
Allah and His Messenger (saws) COMMANDS us that we believe in Allah and follow His Messenger (saws). We are commanded by our Creator to be his slaves, and nobody else’s. The Glorious Quran was revealed as a Mercy from our Creator to be our manual and a book of guidance. Anyone who obeys and follows the commandments of the Quran will deserve Allah’s Mercy and Allah’s Forgiveness. Anyone who ‘believes’ and ‘follows’ anything else, is definitely not on the Straight Path.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 22 Surah Hajj verse73: O
mankind! A parable is related to you,
so listen to it! Those on whom you call
besides Allah, cannot create a fly, even though they may all combine together
for this purpose! Nay! If a fly
snatches away anything from them, they would have no power to release it from
the fly! How weak are the those who
petition, and how weak are those to whom they supplicate!
question: Do you find it difficult to believe that Aqa Maula believes and
trusts the Quran, and as his high office requires has painstakingly pursued
from a very young age, its meaning and commissioned to memory its truth and
The understanding of the Holy Quran has been systematically removed from the community. They are trained to never talk regarding the Quran. How many people in the community understand the Quran? They in fact do not even understand one 'aayah’! They believe, follow and invoke their leader and assume that he is guiding from the Quran. But if once, only once, they were to understand the clear teachings of the Quran, they will realize that they are so far away from the ‘noor’ and mercy of the Quran. The Quran was sent as a Book of Guidance to all mankind, not for a select few to understand! And if you think the Syedna is so right, why does he not propagate Islam and try to spread it? How many people have converted to your set of beliefs in the last 50 years? NOT ONE!! Why?
And Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world!
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 9 Surah Taubah verses
34-35: O you who believe! There are
indeed many among the priests and the holy men who devour the wealth of others
by evil means, and debar the people from the Way of Allah. Give them the good news of a painful
torment, who hoard up gold and silver and do not expend these in the Way of
Allah. The Day shall surely come when
the same gold and silver shall be heated in the fire of Hell, and with it will
be branded their foreheads, their bodies and their backs. (And it will be said): “Here is that
treasure you had hoarded up for yourselves!
Taste now the evil of your hoarded treasure!”
comment: It is without doubt, that Aqa Maula, as a preacher and caller to
Allah's final deen on earth, desires to, as prophets and imams have done before,
call the people to faith by example and then when you do submit and accept
Allah as your Creator, worship no idol, no human, no other being living or non,
as is exemplified in Aqa Maula's life and the history of the past holders of
his high office that he can claim heaven for you.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Al Baqarah verse
111-112: The (Jews and Christians) say: “None shall enter Paradise unless he be
a Jew or a Christian.” These are their
wishful fancies! Say to them, “Bring your
evidence if you are right in your claim!”.
The fact is that no one has any special claim to Paradise! Whoever surrenders himself to Allah in
obedience, and is a door of good deeds, shall have his reward with His
Lord. There shall be neither fear nor
grief for such people.
No one can claim heaven for himself, leave alone for you and the whole community!!! Anyone who makes such a claim, has no authority whatsoever from Allah! And anyone who believes in these claims, has in fact never recognized the Sovereignty and Majesty of Allah Subhanah.
Some people bow down in ‘sajdah’ to other human beings, and think they do not worship him! They bow down in sajdah to graves! They think they can hear their invocations! They think these people in the graves can answer their prayers! They think these people have the power to do them some good! They think these people have some control over their destinies! Allah Alone has All the Power! He Alone is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing, and He Alone can Answer your prayers. If anyone shares any of the noble Attributes of Allah with anybody else, he is guilty of the heinous and unforgivable sin of ‘shirk’!
question: Did not the prophet call people to Islam by its truth and that by
abiding to it you are vouched safe journey to heaven from earth?
Yes, indeed the Prophet did call the people to Islam… but only after Allah guided him and appointed him as a Prophet and revealed the Holy Quran to him. The Messenger (saws) never said anything from himself, but only what was revealed to him! He commanded us in the Name of Allah, to worship Allah and follow the commandments of the Quran as he himself followed. That was the Path shown by the Prophet (saws). None of his noble companions ever bowed to the Prophet (saws). None of his noble companions ever invoked the Prophet (saws) after his death! None of the noble companions ever committed ‘minnats’ at the Prophet’s (saws) grave! They all followed the Holy Quran and the way of the Messenger of Allah (saws).
But today, you bow down to the Syedna! You invoke the Syedna in his absence! You invoke his dead ancestors in their graves! You make intentions of ‘minnat’ for everything you need! Subhan Allah!! Allah is High and far Exalted with all the shirk that these people commit! And then you have the audacity to compare the Syedna with the Messenger of Allah (saws).
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 39 Surah Zumar verse 67:
These people (who commit shirk) have not recognized the true worth of Allah, as
His worth should truly be recognized.
(As for His Omnipotence) the entire earth on the Day of Resurrection
shall be in His grasp and the heavens shall be rolled up in His Right Hand. Glorified is He and Exalted above the
‘shirk’ that these people commit.
question: Did not every prophet call their believers with the promise of
eternal freedom in clenching the rope that Allah has sent from heaven?
Yes, this metaphor has been related by Allah in the Holy Quran. And in hundreds of places in the Holy Quran, it also mentions that to be a muslim, you must believe in Allah and follow the commandments of the Holy Quran. This is exactly what the Prophet (saws) did. This is exactly what the noble companions of the Prophet (saws). This is exactly what Hadrat Ali (r.a.) did. This is exactly what Hadrat Fatema, Hadrat Hasan, Hadrat Hussain, did! If you indeed claim to follow these noble companions and ‘ahle-bayt’ then do what they did:
Worship Allah Alone, and do not set up a partner with Him.
Do not share any of Allah’s Attributes with anybody! There is nothing like unto Him in the Universe.
Understand and follow each and every commandment of the Holy Quran.
Follow the way of the Last Messenger, Mohamed ar-Rasool Allah (saws).
Clenching the rope, does not mean you clench and kiss the feet of any human being. Clenching the rope, does not mean bowing down to humans and graves in sajdah. Clenching the rope does not mean the invocation of man and graves! Clenching the rope does not mean invoking self-proclaimed personalities.
Islam means the submission to our Creator! And when we admit that He is our Creator, then we also acknowledge that we are His slaves and we are willing to obey and follow every order and command that comes from Him. His commands are clearly documents by the Merciful Himself in the Glorious Quran! But how many of us really want to understand what His Commands are?
says in the Holy Quran Chapter 43 Surah Zukhruf verses 43-44: So, hold fast to
the Book that has been revealed to you, you are surely on the Siraat al
Mustaqeem. The fact is that this book
is a great honor for you and your people, and soon you shall be CALLED TO
ACCOUNT for it.
Some sects of Islam, who have strayed away from the
Truth, in their love and reverence, raise the ‘maqaam’ of their self-proclaimed
leader to that of Allah, and most of them do not even realize it! They invoke the leader for everything,
whereas none should be invoked except Allah Alone. Whatever this self-made leader says haraam is haraam, and
whatever he says is halaal, is halaal
for them. This right belongs to Allah
and His Messenger (saws) and no one else.
They perfom the rites of ‘tawaaf’ around the graves and shrines of some
of their holy men, whereas this right belongs to Allah’s House in Makkah
Alone. They even bow down to their
leader in ‘sajdah’ or prostration, and without a doubt, this right belongs to
none but Our Lord and Creator, Allah
Subhanah Alone! These people do not
realize it, but they are guilty of the heinous crime and sin of ‘shirk’, and
they have gone far far astray in their deen.
The only reason people invoke and bow down to other humans is that they
have been made to believe that this person can help them in some way, or even
worse, this self-proclaimed holy men will be their intercessors with Allah on
the Day of Judgment! And these people
do all these gross iniquities because they just do not understand the simple
message, guidance and teachings of the Holy Quran. Only if they took the effort to read and understand the Holy
Quran, they would never do these horrendous acts of ‘shirk’! But then the leadership have systematically
taken out the clear guidance and noor of the Holy Quran from their lives, and
have lead the poor souls to nothing but darkness and deviation! The leadership have been successful in
subjugating and enslaving the Bohras, and made them Abde-Syedna (slaves of
syedna), rather than guiding them towards becoming Abd-Allah (slaves of
Allah)! They have indeed strayed far away
from the Truth in their deviation!
We have always given evidence from the Holy Quran for our beliefs, but I don’t see you giving any proof from the Holy Quran for your views and beliefs in your leader! Try reading the Quran with understanding and see if THERE IS ANY PROOF or any authority from Allah in the Quran, for your beliefs…..
says in the Holy Quran Chapter 33 Surah Ahzab verse 66-68: On the Day their
faces are rolled about on the Fire, they will say, “Would that we had obeyed Allah
and His Messenger!” And they will say,
“O our Lord, we obeyed our CHIEFS and our GREAT MEN, and they led us astray
from the Right Path. O our Lord, give
them a double chastisement and curse them severely”.
Allah says in the Quran: Chapter 4 Surah An-Nisa Verse 48:
Shirk (associating other deities with Allah) is the only sin that Allah does
not forgive, and He forgives, whomsoever He pleases, sins other than this. For whosoever associates any other partner with
Allah, does indeed forge a big lie and commits the most heinous sin.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 5 Surah Maidah verse 72:
Whoever commits ‘shirk’ (invoking anything with Allah), Allah shall forbid
for him Paradise, and Hell shall be his
abode. And for such wrong doers there
will be no one to help.
May Allah guide you and us all to the Siraat al Mustaqeem.
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.
Your brother and well wisher in Islam