1. Forbidden times for reading Quran 2. Can you explain how the Khula procedure is done? 3. Different type of martyrs. 4. Life insurance and interest to charity. 5. Difference between iqama and adhan. 6. Custody of child if mother dies. 7. Casual talk with non mehram. 8. Huqooq ul ibaad. 9. Black camels and buildings prophecy. 10. Can we give Zakat to our blood relative ? 11. Stock Market Halaal or Haraam? 12. Stars astrology future prediction. 13. Who and what are the ashara mubashireen ten. 14. Father inheritance: .. 15. How many times Prophet Mohammed (saws) performed Hajj and Umrah? 16. I masturbate and then i repent and masturbate again will allah forgive me? 17. How to determine deeds for Allah. 18. Who created Allah? 19. Evil eye remedy cure. 20. Best way of spreading Islam