1. Imam Hasan had married 68 times? 2. How to determine deeds for Allah. 3. Is dying of hair allowed? 4. Zina repentance. 5. Women gold unlawful albani. 6. Orgasm ghusl. 7. Can one make dua to allah to increase height 8. Why one cannot enter Kaaba? 9. To what extent is use of "taweez" or amulets allowed in Islam 10. Forbidden times for reading Quran 11. Different type of martyrs. 12. Stars astrology future prediction. 13. What does Allah say about Earthquakes? 14. Bribe for hajj. 15. Rewards for fasting ashura muharram. 16. Statement of divorce like from husband. 17. How to perform itikaf home woman 18. Tarawih Prayer a Nafl or Sunnah 19. CAR FINANCE IS HILAL OR HARAM 20. Wine made from grapes unlawful.