1. I want to know the Amount of the Fatima Meher. 2. Black camels and buildings prophecy. 3. What is the right way to do Aqiqa? 4. Who created Allah? 5. Imam Hasan had married 68 times? 6. Revert change name. 7. To what extent is use of "taweez" or amulets allowed in Islam 8. Is dying of hair allowed? 9. Islam was spread by sword 10. How to pray for the dead people, what special sural and dua to read etc. 11. Orgasm ghusl. 12. Surah Rahmaan Quran medical cure. 13. Ghusl after intercourse. 14. Stars astrology future prediction. 15. Inheritance when mother dies 16. Child conceived of zina wedlock. 17. Does sexual thoughts break a fast? 18. Can we give Zakat to our blood relative ? 19. Why the majority of Muslims dont follow Nahjul Balagha? 20. Sex before marriage