1. Marriage of Imam Hussains daughter 2. Forbidden times for reading Quran 3. Sex before marriage 4. Marry a widow. 5. Can one perform nikkah by themselves. 6. Islam was spread by sword 7. Women gold unlawful albani. 8. Taking oath on quran. 9. Non Islamic sites 10. I want to know the Amount of the Fatima Meher. 11. Headache from jinn. 12. Is it ture that the dead people can hear us? 13. Celebrating birthdays allowed in Islam? 14. Difference between sunni and bohras 15. Casual talk with non mehram. 16. Fate and destiny. 17. Hadith best amongst u is one who is best to his wives. 18. To what extent is use of "taweez" or amulets allowed in Islam 19. Who is Dajjal,Yajooj,Majooj etc? 20. What are the Pillars of Islam?