1. Does sexual thoughts break a fast? 2. Will all muslims go to paradise. 3. Response to istikhara. 4. Marry the one who raped 5. I masturbate and then i repent and masturbate again will allah forgive me? 6. Are you allowed to sleep naked in the bed 7. Quran aayahs mentioning the five time prayers 8. Ghusl after intercourse. 9. Durood salawaat & who are included in ale mohamed and signifcance 10. Respect for Syed family 11. Is masturbation haraam? 12. Charity aayahs and hadiths. 13. Why should one use Politics in religion? 14. Can Woman fast and pray during menses period? 15. How many wives did the Prophet have and Why? 16. Statement of divorce like from husband. 17. Who and what are the ashara mubashireen ten. 18. Shave head of new born 19. List of Mehram 20. Headache from jinn.