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121. What are the rules and requirements of Iddah?
122. What happens in the grave?
123. Quran for the deceased
124. Transferring ajr of Surah Fateha
125. I would like to know what happens at the time of death, after death, in qabar and the hereafter. Are we reborn as per the theory of hindus.
126. Reading Quran for the dead
127. Assalam U Alaikum, Sir please advise me the best deed that I can do for my Marhoom Abba Ammi (they are no more in this world) as per Quran Shareef & Huzur Hadis (saws). Or when I visit their Grave what best shud I recite their I mean the best Surah as Normally when ever I visit Graveyard (My Abba Ammi Grave) I normally put water on their Grave , recite Surah Yaseen surah Tabarak Surah Fatiah & then I pray to Almighty Allah to please accept my Small efforts & what ever comes best of this to benefit Huzur (saws) all Ambiya All Aulia All our Pious Elders & then Particularly to my Abba Ammi All my Relatives & All Muslims (Marhoom) Sir please correct me if I m wrong So Inshallah when ever next time I will go to Graveyard I will perform perfectly as per Quran & Hadis Inshallah. Allah Hafiz
128. Iddat period for woman
129. What happens to a Hindu who is not buried but cremated?
130. Can we change our takdeer in term...
131. Praying for the forgiveness of the Suicider
132. Visiting grave of Christian parents: ..
133. Burial vis--vis Cremation
134. Visiting the Grave/Ask assistance of angel to visit our dead: can we bring or put flowers in the grave of our dead every time we visit them?
135. Fear of Bad things happening to family: .i dnt want nethng to happen to me or my family..can u please help?? jazakallah
136. Praying for the forgiveness of the Suicider: I am always praying that Allah will forgive him and will allow him to enter paradise.
137. What happens at the time of Death and in the grave?
138. Also you have not answered my question in full. My question is - what happens at time of death and in Kabar. I have heard that at time of death we loose our power of speech and at that time we see our deeds as flash back. The soul remains in house for 3 days. The soul follows the janaza. In kabar the soul again enter the body and is then question for 3 days. How far this is true?
139. Read your reply to my question. You say that there is no rebirth then what is the "chakar of ayula" as time and again refered by syedna in waaz. Also Sadiqali in his famous nashiayat says that "Lakho kholiya na baad insan nu kholiyu milu che". What I have mentioned is the idea in the nashiat and not the orginal bund. Also you have not answered my question in full. My question is - what happens at time of death and in Kabar. I have heard that at time of death we loose our power of speech and at that time we see our deeds as flash back. The soul remains in house for 3 days. The soul follows the janaza. In kabar the soul again enter the body and is then question for 3 days. How far this is true? Burhan, Pl. do not give me the half truth the way the priest family is doing so. I have thirst for the knowledge and I am not satisfied with your reply. Pl. elaborate. Thanks for your reply. Jajakalaho kher.
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