1. Divorce (talaaq) in the state of anger; and is it necessary to have witnesses to divorce? 2. Bid'ah Hasanah ("Good Innovations") 3. Reasons for the punishment in the grave 4. If countries differ with regard to when Ramadaan begins and when the day of ‘Arafah is, with whom should I fast? 5. Engagement according to sharee’ah 6. The virtues of Ramadaan 7. Knowledge in Islam 8. What should be avoided by the one who wants to offer a sacrifice 9. Can she wear perfume when she goes out with her husband? 10. The true nature of insurance and the rulings concerning it 11. What is a woman permitted to uncover in front of other women and mahrams? 12. Woman’s ‘awrah in front of other women and mahrams 13. Rulings on menstruation 14. Intercourse during Ramadaan 15. Is there any difference between tahajjud and qiyaam al-layl? 16. How should we return the greeting of salaam from a non-Muslim? 17. Is it obligatory to follow a particular madhhab? 18. Numbers of rak’ahs in Taraaweeh prayer 19. Ruling on shaving the head 20. Ruling concerning women covering their feet in prayer