1. Definition of udhiyah and ruling thereon 2. Al-Malaa’ikah (Angels) 3. Are there any du’aa’s specifically for protecting a new house? 4. Menstruating woman entering the mosque to attend a class or a halaqah for memorizing Qur’aan 5. Is it recommended to fast ten days of Dhu’l-Hijjah including the day of Eid? 6. What should he do if he gets urine on his clothes? 7. Ruling on using materials to which “animal glycerine” has been added 8. How to pray istikhaarah 9. What is the right age to get children used to fasting? 10. Muslim bathroom etiquette 11. The wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the Mothers of the Believers (may Allaah be pleased with them) 12. Ruling on a Muslim man marrying a non-Muslim woman and vice versa 13. The etiquette of eating, with detailed evidence 14. Places and times where du’aa’ is answered 15. Description of Eid prayer 16. Ruling on shaving the beard 17. Ruling on keeping pictures and children’s toys 18. Istikhaarah prayer 19. What are the rulings on ‘aqeeqah for a baby boy? 20. Ruling on shaving the moustache