1. Yoga, its origins and the ruling on practising it 2. What is the minimum amount of mahr? What is the modern equivalent of the mahr of the Mothers of the Believers? 3. Ruling on wearing engagement and wedding rings 4. What should be avoided by the one who wants to offer a sacrifice 5. Virtue and times of regular Sunnah prayers (Sunnah mu’akkadah) 6. Ruling on fasting for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers 7. The reason why gold is forbidden for men 8. Ruling on jihad and kinds of jihad 9. Ways of offering Witr prayer that are narrated in the reports 10. Description of the funeral prayer 11. Backbiting (Gheebah) and its Expiation 12. Ruling on praying in a garment on which there is a picture of an animal or a person 13. Reasons for the punishment in the grave 14. Bid'ah Hasanah ("Good Innovations") 15. Why doesnt Allaah answer our duaas? 16. If his wife does not agree to him being away for more than six months 17. Moving the finger during Tashahhud 18. Ruling on kissing one’s wife in the street in front of people 19. Qunoot during salaah 20. Response to those who say that fasting on the day of ‘Arafah is not Sunnah