1. The punishment for breaking the fast in Ramadaan with no excuse 2. Days on which it is prescribed to observe naafil (supererogatory) fasts 3. Black Magic and Satanic Possession 4. Ruling on masturbation and how to cure the problem 5. Description of the Prophet’s prayer 6. Wife complaining of husband’s mistreatment 7. She dislikes her husband but he refuses to divorce her and he does not give her her rights 8. The seven sins that doom a person to Hell 9. Obeying one’s husband comes before obeying one’s parents and siblings 10. Definition of udhiyah and ruling thereon 11. What is the best way to treat anxiety? 12. If a female has an orgasm without intercourse 13. Ruling on using the masbahah (prayer beads) 14. Having intercourse with one wife in front of the other 15. Will children who die young go to Paradise or Hell? 16. The status of the imams of the Ithna ‘Ashari Shi’ah 17. Ruling on committing suicide because of depression 18. The virtues of ruqyah and du’aa’s to be recited therein 19. Ways of offering Witr prayer that are narrated in the reports 20. Ruling on women visiting graves