1. Meaning of belief in al-Qadar (the divine will and decree) 2. Woman’s ‘awrah in front of other women and mahrams 3. Does nail polish invalidate wudoo’ and do the prayers have to be repeated? 4. When is it permissible for a woman to uncover her face? 5. What is the sickness which permits a fasting person to break his fast? 6. There is no connection between fasting and cutting one's nails or shaving one's pubic hairs 7. Rulings that apply only to women during Hajj 8. Rulings to do with abortion 9. Times of the five daily prayers 10. Reading Qur’aan during menses 11. Bid‘ah of Sha‘baan 12. Coping with wet dreams 13. Black Magic and Satanic Possession 14. “When the wings of the night spread , keep your children in, for the devils come out at that time” 15. Proposal procedure according to sharee’ah 16. Bid'ah Hasanah ("Good Innovations") 17. Rulings on the mourning of a woman whose husband has died 18. Description of Eid prayer 19. Hitting one’s wife? 20. How to pray istikhaarah