1. The importance of saying salaam and returning the greeting 2. Can the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) hear those who call upon him when he is in his grave? 3. Seeing Laylat al-Qadr 4. Acceptance of repentance 5. Hitting one’s wife? 6. How can he make up for missed prayers? 7. The Reason Why Mankind Was Created 8. The difference between the mushrikeen and the kuffaar, and to which category do the Jews and Christians belong? 9. Is it possible to talk to the jinn and use them? 10. She dislikes her husband but he refuses to divorce her and he does not give her her rights 11. Etiquette of visiting graves 12. The reason why gold is forbidden for men 13. Does anal intercourse cancel the marriage contract? 14. Al-hijaamah (cupping): what Islam says about it, its benefits and the times when it should be done 15. Purification and prayer for one who has urinary incontinence 16. The mother’s rights over her daughter are great but the husband’s rights over his wife are greater 17. Protection From the Jinn 18. Is it permissible to sell haraam things like pork to non-Muslims? 19. Is man’s fate pre-destined or does he have freedom of will? 20. There is nothing in Islam to say that anal intercourse is permissible