1. If his wife does not agree to him being away for more than six months 2. Reducing the mahr is the Sunnah 3. Description of ‘Umrah 4. The Reason Why Mankind Was Created 5. Is it permissible for Muslims to vote for kaafirs who seem to be less evil? 6. Sleep invalidates wudoo’ if it is deep 7. How to pray istikhaarah 8. Is it obligatory to follow a particular madhhab? 9. Etiquette of making du’aa’ 10. What are the rulings on ‘aqeeqah for a baby boy? 11. Using the birth control pill and the coil 12. The believer’s attitude towards calamities 13. The virtues of Ramadaan 14. Means of expiating sin 15. Wife complaining of husband’s mistreatment 16. Which is better – breaking one's fast when travelling or fasting? 17. Wet dream during the day in Ramadaan, and the meaning of the hadeeth "Bad dreams come from the Shaytaan" 18. If image-making is haraam, how come it is permissible to watch TV and videos? 19. Du’aa’ of the fasting person when breaking his fast 20. The ruling on Islamic nasheeds