Allah created only for worship.
Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
(May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)
One of our brothers/sisters has asked
this question:
salaam alaikum
I have
asked this question before but not received any answer yet. Please reply as it
has now become a problem of many young muslims.
I’m in confusion since many days. It is said in Quran that Allah has created
Man and Angels only to worship Him. That was the main objective of Allah’s
creation But, now-a-days, modern man has begun to spend most of his time doing
jobs which would benefit Him in this world only. If I were to take up a career
which would take away half of my daily time, though I manage to perform. Salah,
take care of my family and discharge all my important duties. But this way, May
be I’ll be successful in world but far lesser in sight of Allah, than a person
who spends most of the time in a homely way, worshipping Allah and being within
boundaries of home. If man can earn as much as to satisfy his needs, then why
do we advocate the progress in technology to improve our lives. If muslim ummah
were to progress economically, then we will have to allocate a lot time for
developing research and technology. Which way of life is better, keeping in
mind that we fulfill our major responsibilities as muslims, in both the cases?
(There may be some grammatical and spelling
errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
Allah created only
for worship
In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His
help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide,
and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear
witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear
witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 51 Surah
Dhariyat verse 56:
I have not created the jinn and men except for
this that they should worship Me alone.
Respected Sister in Islam, without an iota of a doubt, the
Declared and Decreed mission of the creation of men and Jinn is indeed the
worship of the Lord Creator, Most Majestic, Most Supreme.
But if one assumes that worship is only prayers, and
fasts, and Hajj, etc….then one would surely be in a confusion for one would
have taken a very narrow comprehension of the term ‘ibaadah’ or
worship….prayers, fasts, Hajj, etc. are merely ‘rites’ of worship ordained by
the Lord, but these rites alone and by themselves do not fulfill the conditions
of worship!
To obey Allah Subhanah in all matters is worship; to fear
Allah at all times in all places is worship; to remember Allah Subhanah at
every junction of one’s life is worship; to submit to each and every Guidance
and Command of Allah and His Messenger (saws) regardless of what one’s heart
desires is worship; to abstain from everything which Allah and Messenger (saws)
have prohibited is worship; to fulfill all the rights of one’s family, friends,
loved ones, neighbors, and the society at large is worship; to earn one’s
livelihood in a lawful manner so that one may support one’s family is worship;
to spend of one’s means in the Cause of Allah is worship; to do anything to
further the Cause and Spread of Islam is worship; to promote and enjoin the
good is worship; to abstain from and stop evil is worship; etc…..the rites of
worship like prayers, and fasts, and pilgrimage, and ‘zakah’, etc. are no more
than obligatory ‘training courses’ ordained by the Lord All-Knowing, All-Wise
so that man may truly fulfill the mission which he was created for….ie. the
worship of one’s Lord Creator, Most Majestic, Most Supreme.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 33 Surah
Ahzab verse 21:
There is indeed the best example for you to
follow in the Messenger of Allah, for every such person looks forward to Allah
and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much.
If one studies the life of the Messenger of Allah (saws)
one would truly understand the concept of his ‘worship’…..As much as he (saws)
was the appointed Prophet of Allah, he (saws) was an obedient son, a caring and
loving husband, a father, a grand-father, a neighbor, a friend, a businessman,
a soldier in the Cause of Allah, a Commander of the Army of Allah, a leader, a
master politician, a judge, etc. all rolled into one! If one were to search the annals of
creation, one would not find a better example of one who loved, remembered,
feared, obeyed, and worshipped one’s Lord Creator better than the Last and
Final Messenger of Allah, Mohamed ar-Rasool Allah (saws).
Question: But, now-a-days, modern man has begun to spend most of his time doing
jobs which would benefit Him in this world only. If I were to take up a career
which would take away half of my daily time, though I manage to perform. Salah,
take care of my family and discharge all my important duties. But this way, May
be I’ll be successful in world but far lesser in sight of Allah, than a person who
spends most of the time in a homely way, worshipping Allah and being within
boundaries of home.
Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 1.1 Narrated by Umar bin Al Khattab
I heard Allah's Messenger (saws) saying,
"The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get
the reward according to what he has intended.”
If the intention of the ‘modern-man’ is spend most of his
time, and pursue a career or a job only so that he may accumulate as much
wealth or position as he can in his world, regardless of whether or not his job
or career is lawful or unlawful, regardless of whether or not the Guidance and
Commands of Allah and His Messenger (saws) are obeyed or disobeyed, etc….then
indeed the works of such a person would have no weight or rank in the Sight of
Allah Subhanah in the Hereafter. Such a person may or not be successful in this
world, but he will, without an iota of a doubt, be a loser in the Hereafter.
But if the same ‘modern-man’ spends a portion of his time
pursuing a career or a job with the intention to fulfill the duties which the
Lord has ordained on him, knows and remembers with absolute conviction that the
life of this world is only a trial and is transitory, believes with absolute
conviction that all will be gathered One Inevitable Day in the Tribunal of
their Lord Creator to give a full account of their lives, makes sure that every
thing he does and says in the pursuit of his career or job is within the
prescribed Boundaries of Shariah, strives his absolute utmost to fulfill all
the obligatory duties laid upon him by his Lord Creator, bears every good
fortune with gratitude unto his Lord, bears every misfortune with patience and
keeps his trust and belief steadfast on his Lord….every living moment of such a
‘modern-man’ will be deemed to be in the constant ‘worship’ of his Lord
Suhaib ibn Sinan
narrated that the Prophet (saws) said: "How remarkable is the case of the
believer! There is good for him in everything, but this is not the case for
anyone except for the believer. When the believer receives any good, he is
thankful to Allah, and gets a reward.
And when some misfortune befalls him, he endures it patiently, for which
he is (also) rewarded."
Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 1911 Narrated by Abu Dharr
Allah's Messenger (saws) said, "When you
smile in your brother's face, or enjoin what is good, or forbid what is evil,
or direct someone who has lost his way, or help a man who has bad eyesight, or
remove stones, thorns and bones from the road, or pour water from your bucket
into your brother's, it counts to you as "sadaqah" in the Cause of
Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 1.53 Narrated by Sad bin Abi Waqqas
Allah's Messenger (saws) said, "You will
be rewarded for whatever you spend for Allah's Sake, even if it were a morsel
which you put in your wife's (or your family’s) mouth!"
Abu Dhar al-Ghafari reported: ‘The Messenger
of Allah (saws) said: “there is a reward for you [even] in sex with your
wife."’ The companions asked: ‘O Messenger of Allah (saws) is there a
reward if one satisfies his passion?" He (saws) said: "Do you know
that if he satisfies it unlawfully he has taken a sin upon himself? Likewise, if he satisfies it lawfully, he is
Related by Ahmad and Muslim.
……If man
can earn as much as to satisfy his needs, then why do we advocate the progress
in technology to improve our lives. If muslim ummah were to progress
economically, then we will have to allocate a lot time for developing research
and technology.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 8 Surah
Anfaal verses 59-60:
59 Let not the disbelievers think that they can get the better (of
Allah): they will never (be able to) frustrate (Allah).
60 (O believers) Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the
enemies of Allah and your enemies, and others besides whom ye may not know, but
whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall
spend in the Cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you and ye shall not be treated
Allah Subhanah has Commanded the collective Muslim Ummah
to strive one’s absolute utmost and be at the forefront of technology in
preparation of the display of their strength for the Sake and Cause of Allah
and His Deen.
It is the obligatory duty of the believing leadership and
the believers at large to make sure that the Muslim Ummah is at the forefront
of research and technology, especially in elements of war, so that the Cause of
Allah Subhanah and His Deen can be defended against the disbelievers……and how
miserably have the believing Ummah at large failed in this obligatory duty of
way of life is better, keeping in mind that we fulfill our major
responsibilities as muslims, in both the cases?
A person who fears Allah, strives his absolute utmost to
fulfill not only his obligations of worship, but also to fulfill the
obligations laid upon him by his Lord unto the society at large, and his life
in engrossed in making the Word of Allah Subhanah Supreme on this earth is far
far superior in the Sight of Allah than one who leaves the tangles of society
and is engaged in the fulfillment of the ‘rites’ of worship alone!
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only
due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me
alone. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is
the Only Source of Strength.
Your brother and
well wisher in Islam,