Suicide Bombers
Mu' meneen Brothers
and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa
Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be
upon all of you)
One of our
brothers/sisters has asked this question:
assalamu alaikum
These days we hear a lot about suicide bombers etc. Young men using them selves
as weapons of war or terrorism (terrorist or warrior, depends I guess on what
side you happen to be on). It is said that these young men are being told that
if they commit suicde in the name of Allah or in defense of Islam, they will go
to heaven straight away, that their families and friends will go straight to
heaven and that the young man will have
70 virgins for his pleasure in heaven.
I have three problems with this and hope you will see me straight on
these issues.
First, there is the question of suicide. The Quran tells us that if
we commit suicide we will go to to the hell fire. Now I understand that
if we die as a warrior for Allah and are killed in battle etc. then we are
martyr-ed and go to heaven. But if one intentionally uses this as a way to
insure heaven for himself, then it seems to me that the motive/intention is
wrong, and the act is not so much for Allah or Islam, but more self serving.
Second, is the question of 70 virgins being at the martyrs
disposal when he reaches heaven. We spend our lives in Islam focusing on
Allah's laws, and the and the modesty of womanhood. We are told that the sins
of the flesh are terrible, and the punishment for committing these sins brings
the wrath of Allah. So how can carnal sin be a reward from Allah, for
committing the sin of suicide, or any other act? It seems to me the
reward of going to heaven should be enough for any person to strive to be a
good muslim. What is the truth and meaning of these promises made to the
suicide bombers.
Third, is that if one commits suicide as a method to achieve heaven for him
self and his family andfriends, the question of intersession comes in. If
there is not intersession then how can his act effect the fate of his family and friends? Will they not be judged
on the last day based on their acts in life rather than on what someone else
(There may be some grammatical and spelling
errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
In the name of Allah, We praise
Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can
misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We
bear witness that there is no one (no idol,
no person, no grave, no prophet, no imam,
no dai, nobody!) worthy of
worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad(saws) is His
slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
Regarding your first of the three
questions regarding ‘suicide-bombing’,
we have answered a similar question on the forum before, which we are forwarding to you.
Your comment: Second, is the question of 70 virgins being
at the martyrs disposal when he reaches heaven. We spend our lives in
Islam focusing on Allah's laws, and the and the modesty of womanhood. We are
told that the sins of the flesh are terrible, and the punishment for committing
these sins brings the wrath of Allah. So how can carnal sin be a reward from
Allah, for committing the sin of suicide, or any other act? It seems to me the reward of going to heaven
should be enough for any person to strive to be a good muslim. What is the
truth and meaning of these promises made to the suicide bombers.
Al-Tirmidhi Hadith
3834 Narrated by Al-Miqdam ibn
Allah's Messenger
(saws) said, "The martyr receives six good things from Allah: he is
forgiven at the first shedding of his blood; he is shown his abode in Paradise;
he is preserved from the punishment in the grave; he is kept safe from the
greatest terror; he has placed on his head the crown of honour, a ruby of which
is better than the world and what it contains; he is married to seventy-two
wives of the maidens with large dark eyes; and is made intercessor for seventy
of his relatives."
Tirmidhi and Ibn
Majah transmitted it.
Al-Tirmidhi Hadith
5648 Narrated by Abu Sa'id
Allah's Messenger
(saws) said, "The lowliest of the inhabitants of Paradise will be he who
has eighty thousand servants, seventy-two wives, and for whom a round pavilion
of pearls, chrysoprase and rubies as large as the distance between al-Jabiyah
and San'a will be set up." By the same isnad he said, "Those who are
to go to
we must understand that it is not only the martyrs in the Cause of Allah are
promised 72 wives in
Your Question: We spend our lives in Islam focusing on
Allah's laws, and the and the modesty of womanhood. We are told that the sins
of the flesh are terrible, and the punishment for committing these sins brings
the wrath of Allah.
Brother, to fulfill one’s natural
carnal desires is definitely not a sin in Islam; but they have to be done legally in the form of a marriage. Yes, illegally fulfilling this desire out
of marriage is a grave sin.
Your Question: So how can carnal sin be a reward from
Allah and His Messenger (saws)
have promised that these women will be the wives of the believers in
Brother, we must understand that what will happen in
The Messenger of
Allah (saws) said in an authentic narration: “The beauty and splendour of
What is important is that we obey
and follow Allah and His Messenger (saws) and reach that station where our Lord
and Creator is pleased with us on the Day of Judgement. Whatever follows after that will be nothing
but bliss and pleasure and the abundance of bounty from our Generous Lord.
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 44 Surah Dukhan verses 51-57:The God-fearing shall be in a secure
place: In the Gardens and Springs, dressed in silk and brocade, sitting face to face. Such will be their station! And We shall wed them to fair-complexioned,
gazelle-eyed women. There, in full
peace, they shall ask for all kinds of tasty things. There they shall never taste death, after their first death in
the world. And Allah, by His Grace
shall protect them from the torment of Hell.
This is the Supreme Success!
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 55 Surah Rahmaan verses 56-59:…Amidst these blessings (for the
people of
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 56 Surah Waqiah verses 27-38:And the people of the Right
Hand! Oh! How fortunate will be the people of the Right Hand! They shall be among thornless lote-trees,
and piled up bananas, one upon the other; and outspread shade, and ever flowing
waters, and abundant fruits; neither failing in supply, nor forbidden; and (sitting) in upraised couches! We shall create their wives anew and make them virgins, lovers
of their husbands and of equal age.
All this is for the people of the Right Hand!
As believers, it is our duty to
believe in every word of Allah and His Messenger (saws). When they have said the believers will be
given multiple wives in
Your comment: Third, is that if one commits suicide as a
method to achieve heaven for him self and his family and friends, the question
of intersession comes in. If there is not intersession then how can his
act effect the fate of his family and friends? Will they not be judged on
the last day based on their acts in life rather than on what someone else does?
The issue of intercession is
often mis-understood by most people.
Yes, Messenger of Allah (saws) has promised that a martyr will be given
the power of intercession by Allah on the Day of Judgement. But it does not mean that he will pick and
choose any criminal and will have the power to take him out of Hell. Intercession is in the Power of Allah
Alone! He will decide with His
Knowledge and Justice, who deserves His Mercy, and who deserves His Wrath.
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 39 Surah Zumar verses 44 :What!
Have they taken besides Allah others as ‘shofa’a’ (intercessors)? Say to them, “Will they intercede even if
they have no power whatever nor understanding?” Say, “Shafa’a is wholly in the Power of Allah Alone!”. His is the Kingdom of the heavens and the
earth. Then to Him you will be
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 34 Surah Saba verse 26:Say, “Our Lord will gather us all
together, then He will Judge between us
with Truth. He Alone is the One Who
Decides, and He Alone Knows everything.”
Let me give you a worldly example
to explain the true concept of intercession in the Just Court of Allah. In an
university, it is the university who decides who has passed and who has
failed. But it honors a reputed person
to come and hand out the certificates to those who have passed. Similarly, in the Just Court of Allah, Allah
Alone will decide who goes to
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 20 Surah Taha verses 108-109:On that Day the people will come
straight to the call of the summoner!
No one will dare show any haughtiness, and all the voices will be hushed
before the Merciful and you will hear nothing but a whispering mumur. On that Day, no intercession shall avail
save his, whom the Merciful may allow to intercede and be pleased to give him a
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 19 Surah Maryam verses 87:(On that Day) no one shall have the
ability to make ‘shafaa’, except the one who may have received permission from
the Merciful.
Whatever written of Truth and
benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error
is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He
is the Only Source of Strength.
Your Brother in