Was the Prophet (saws) an illeterate person?
Mu' meneen Brothers
and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa
Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be
upon all of you)
One of our
brothers/sisters has asked this question:
You are indeed doing an excellent work. May allah reward you for that. I have 2 questions: Q1)I have heard in a Speech of Dr. Zakir Naik that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was Illiterate ( he didnt knew to read and write) When I told this to my other Dawoodi Bohra friends they contradicted that a person who calls himself The City of Knowledge (Anaa Madinatul Eelm) can be Illiterate. They further elobarated the point that the person on whom the Koran has been sent down can be illiterate. Q2) In the same discussion of Dr. Zakir Naik, he explained how the Koran was written. Can you pls elobarate/explain in detail how the Koran was written. You must have definitely heard about Muslims burning the Koran after Muhammad. Pls explain that also in detail. I know the answers to both the questions asked above. But for more clarification I need your help and guidance. May allah bless you.
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Was the Prophet (saws) an
illeterate person?
In the name of Allah, We praise
Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none
can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright.
We bear witness that there is no one (no idol,
no person, no grave, no
prophet, no imam, no dai,
nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that
Muhammad(saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
Your question: Was the Prophet (saws) indeed illiterate and
We have answered this question
on our forum in detail and are sending an attachment with the answer from the
archive for your reference.
Your question: he explained how the Koran was written. Can you pls elobarate/explain in detail how the Koran was written.
Whenever the Revelations of the
Glorious Quran were received, the
Messenger of Allah (saws) ordered the scribes to write down verbatim whatever
was revealed, and they would write it
down. In the absence of paper, the scribes would write down the verses of the
Quran verbatim on leather, on tree
barks, on bones, etc. Thus the Quran was fully documented, although in various fragments, even at the time of the Messenger of Allah
(saws). Besides, a considerable number of the noble companions
had memorized the whole Quran in the lifetime of the Prophet (saws), from the Prophet (saws) himself.
After the death of the Prophet
(saws), the documented Quran was
available with Hadrat Abu Bakr (r.a.),
and after his death, it was
passed on to Hadrat Umar (r.a.). During
the reign of the third Khalifah, Hadrat
Uthmaan (r.a.), he made arrangements to
collect and document the Quran in an actual book form on paper, and ordered,
with the advice of the other noble and close companions of the Prophet
(saws), like Hadrat Ali (r.a.), Hadrat Talha (r.a.), Hadrat Zubair (r.a.), Hadrat Abdul Rahman bin Awf (r.a.),
etc., that all the available fragments
of the Quran be collected and destroyed by burning, probably so that there remains absolutely no
confusion for future generations. The
Quran that was documented in a book form in the reign of Hadrat Uthman (r.a.)
was documented in the exact language and dialect of the Revelation of the
Quran; that is, in the Quraishi Arabic dialect, and that is the exact same Quran which is
available to all the believers today and until the end of time, Insha Allah.
Some misguided and ignorant
sects of Islam do try to claim that the Quran has been slightly changed, or that some words or phrases were missing
from the Quran that was documented in the reign of Hadrat Uthman (r.a.)! But the true believers, who truly believe in Allah and the Last Day, are satisfied with the assurance and promise
made by their Lord that He Who Revealed the Quran will Himself make
arrangements to guard the Glorious Quran against any form of corruption.
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 15 Surah Al Hijr verse 9:It is We (Allah), Who has sent down this Quran, and We (Allah) will assuredly guard it
against corruption.
If you only ask your Dawoodi
Bohra friend if the Quran available to us today has been changed, if he is honest, he will confirm his (false)
belief that indeed there are a few words that have been changed! Either he does not believe in the Assurance
and Promise of the Lord as declared in the above Aayah of Surah Hijr verse
9 ‘We (Allah)
will assuredly guard it against corruption’,
or he believes that his self-made syedna, who has declared the current Quran as
imperfect, has more right to be believed
than Allah Subhanah Himself!
Whatever written of Truth and
benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error
is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He
is the Only Source of Strength.
Your Brother in