More than 15 years ago, I was studying in Mumbai (for 3 years) and during this time I didnot fast in Ramadhan. After coming home, I continued fasting normally in Ramadhans to come. I haven`t repayed those three Ramadhan months nor have I paid `kafaro`.
Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa
Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)
One of our brothers/sisters has asked
this question:
More than 15 years ago, I was studying in Mumbai (for 3 years) and during this
time I didnot fast in Ramadhan. After coming home, I continued fasting normally
in Ramadhans to come. I haven`t repayed those three Ramadhan months nor have I
paid `kafaro`.People tell me that all the `rozas` I have performed are not
accepted since I didn`t pay the `kafaro` for the three months I missed. Please
(There may be some grammatical and spelling
errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
Missed Fasts
In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask
for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever
He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that
there is no one (no idol, no person, no
grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai,
nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that
Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah
Baqarah verse 185:
185 Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an as a guide
to mankind also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (between right and
wrong). So everyone of you who is
present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting, but if
anyone is ill or on a journey the prescribed period (should be made up)
by days later. Allah intends
every facility for you He does not want to put you to difficulties. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed
period and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance ye shall be
Dear and Beloved Sister, fasting is an obligatory and
prescribed duty our Lord Most High has laid upon those who sincerely believe in
Him and the Last Day; and unless one has an absolutely valid reason, one should
never ever miss this obligatory duty.
Regarding the atonement of the three months of fast which
you missed almost 15 years ago, first and foremost you must turn to your Lord
Most Gracious and seek His forgiveness for missing this obligatory duty; it is
expected that you will find your Lord Forgiving and Merciful.
The opinion of the majority of the scholars in Islam is
that if one has missed one’s fasts a very long time ago and if one has sought
repentance for missing one’s obligatory duty, their repentance itself would
suffice and Allah Subhanah, from His Vast and Endless Mercy and Grace, will
forgive them their negligence and not hold them to account for their temporary
lapse on the Day of Judgment.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 66 Surah
Tahreem verse 8:
8 O ye who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance
(tawbatan-nasoohah): in the hope that your Lord will
remove from you your ills and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow
the Day that Allah will not permit to be humiliated the Prophet and those who
believe with him. Their Light will run
forward before them and by their right hands while they say "Our Lord!
perfect our Light for us and grant us Forgiveness; for Thou has power over all
But if one so fears Allah, and is so repentant over
his/her negligence at missing out on such an important and obligatory duty in
one’s past and wishes to make amends; then one should make up those missed days
of fasting over a period of time as an atonement of their missed fasts. This would be considered the best form of
‘tawbah’ or what Allah Subhanah Declares in the Quran as ‘tawbatan-nasoohah’
(absolutely sincere repentance).
We reiterate again that seeking repentance alone would
suffice to obliterate the sin of missing one’s obligatory fasts which one
missed a long time ago; but if one wishes to make absolutely sure and desires
to make ‘tawbatan-nasoohah’, then it would be best to fast those missed days
over a period of time which is convenient and easy for them; and that would be
the best and purest form of manifesting one’s repentance to their Lord Most
Statement: I haven`t repayed those three Ramadhan months nor have I paid
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah
Baqarah verse 184:
184 (Fasting) for a fixed number of days; but if any of you is ill or on
a journey the prescribed number (should be made up) from days later. For
those who can do it (with hardship) is a ransom the feeding of one that is
indigent. But he that will give
more of his own free will it is better for him and it is better for you that ye
fast if ye only knew.
Dear and Beloved Sister in Islam, the atonement of paying
a ransom or ‘kaffara’ for each fast missed by feeding an indigent is only for
those believers who are chronically ill and their age or health does not permit
them to fast. If one is not chronically
ill and their health or age or condition does not prevent them fasting, their
atonement for missing fasts is to make up those missed fasts by fasting at any
other time of the year.
Statement: People tell me that all the `rozas` I have performed are not
accepted since I didn`t pay the `kafaro` for the three months I missed.
Our Lord is Most Gracious, Merciful, and Forgiving towards
His sincere believers, and it does not behove and befit His Grace and
Benevolence to not accept the worship of one who sincerely wishes and desires
to worship Him!
The fact that you honored your duty of fasting all the
months of Ramadan for the past fifteen years after having missed three years is
in itself evidence and proof of your repentance and your sincere fear of your
Lord Most High! Dear and Beloved Sister,
rest assured that your Lord accepts the worship of His sincere and repentant
believers, and He will never ever let go to waste any good deed of His
believing slaves!
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chaper 21 Surah
Anbiya verse 47:
47 We shall set up Scales of Justice for the Day of Judgment so that not
a soul will be dealt with unjustly in the least. And if there be (no more than) the weight of
a mustard seed We will bring it (to account): and enough are We to take account!
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 21 Surah
Anbiya verse 94:
94 Whoever works any act of righteousness and has faith, his endeavor
will not be rejected: We shall record it in his favor.
The people who told you that your fasts of fifteen years
will not be accepted have simply not recognized the Vastness of The Lord Most
Merciful’s Mercy. Rest assured beloved
sister, that not even one of the fasts which you have done for your Lord will
be rejected by Him; and Allah-Willing, you shall have your full and due reward
for your obedience and worship.
Abu Hurairah reported the Messenger of Allah
(saws) said: "Allah Subhanah Says: 'Every action of the son of Adam is for
him except fasting, for that is solely for Me. I give the reward for it!'
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to
Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only
Source of Strength.
Your brother and well wisher in