How could i have the feeling to pray to Allah and and to do anything because of Allah.
Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa
Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)
One of our brothers/sisters has asked
this question:
I am a muslim who is
18years old and i am really worry about my prayers. i only pray when people ask
me to pray. I didnt have the feeling to pray because scare to Allah.
How could i have the feeling to pray to Allah and and to
do anything because of Allah.
(There may be some grammatical and spelling
errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
How to fear Allah?
In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask
for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever
He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that
there is no one (no idol, no person, no
grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai,
nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that
Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
My dear and beloved brother in Islam, it is indeed good
that your soul urges you to worry about your prayers, especially at an age when
your youth is in its absolute prime and the temptations of the world are
galore! May Allah Subhanah increase your
and our consciousness of Him, and bestow upon you and us the wisdom to fulfill
the duties which He has laid upon us, and give you and us the courage to
abstain from everything which is Displeasing to Him.
Your Question: I didnt have the feeling to pray because
scare to Allah. How could i have the feeling to pray to Allah and and to do
anything because of Allah.
Unlike one’s natural instinct and desire for the love of
the accumulation of wealth, or attraction to women, or the love of children, or
love of life and this transitory world…to fear, worship and do deeds only for
the sake and Pleasure of Allah is something which one needs to choose to strive
and develop and train one’s soul to do; and therein lies the test of life which
has been ordained and decreed by Allah Subhanah for mankind:
Who amongst mankind controls his soul towards the
temptations of this short and transient world in preference for His Promises
and Rewards of the eternal Gardens of Bliss in the Everlasting life of the
The ones who choose to fear Allah, control their souls
from lower desires, and of their own choice submit their will to the Will of
their Lord, will pass the test ordained by their Lord; and the ones who choose
to run after the transient and temporary luxuries and pleasures of this world
and refuse to submit their will to the Will of their Creator will miserably
fail their ordained test of life.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 79 Surah
Naziat verses 34-41:
34 Therefore when there comes the Great
Overwhelming (Event, ie: The Day of Judgment!)
35 The Day when Man shall remember (all)
that he strove for
36 And Hell-Fire shall be placed in full
view for (all) to see
37 Then for such as had transgressed all
38 And had preferred the life of this world
39 Their Abode will be Hell-Fire;
40 And for such as had entertained the fear
of standing before their Lord's (tribunal) and had restrained (their) soul from
Lower Desires
41 Their Abode will be the Garden.
Your Question: How could i have the feeling to pray to
Allah and and to do anything because of Allah.
To develop this feeling, the absolute first thing one
needs to do is to recognize who exactly is his Lord and Creator, why has He
created everything in existence, why has He created you on this earth, what
deeds are Pleasing to Him, what deeds bring about His Wrath and Anger, what
exactly are His Rewards promised for His righteous and obedient slaves, and
what punishments await those who deny and disobey Him?
The Lord Creator is not only All-Mighty and All-Powerful,
He is also The Most Merciful, and The All-Wise!
He did not create man and leave him alone to find out the answers to
these questions by themselves, but in His Supreme, Sublime, and Infinite Mercy,
He Himself revealed the answers to all these questions in His Glorious Book of
Guidance, The Al-Quran!
Thus the absolute best way to recognize one’s Lord Creator
and the substance of one’s short test of life in this transient world is to
read, understand, obey, follow and completely submit to the Blessed and Noble
Message revealed for our guidance by our Lord Most Merciful, Most
Once you determine and submit to the guidance of the
Glorious Quran, all the questions regarding faith and the substance of the test
of life will be answered in detail and in a crystal-clear format which only
behoves the Lord All-Knowing, All-Wise. Once you recognize the Lord Who created you,
and the reason for your existence, and once you submit your will to His Will in
return for His Promised Everlasting and Eternal Gardens of Paradise in the life
of the Hereafter; your whole life will become a meaningful strive towards a
beautiful mission called ‘Paradise’!
And once you make up your mind to tread the path that
would earn you the eternal and everlasting Rewards of Paradise, the world with
all its luxuries, pleasures, and temptations will look worthless and
insignificant; and all your striving will be towards that Inevitable Reality of
the Hereafter.
This state of consciousness of standing in the Presence of
the Majestic and Supreme Lord One Inevitable Day is what Allah calls ‘taqwa’ or
piety in His Quran; and it is this ‘taqwa’ which will inspire you all your life
towards doing deeds that would earn you the Eternal Pleasure and Good Will of
your Lord, and it is this same ‘taqwa’ which will inspire you to abstain from
doing anything which would bring about His Unbearable Wrath and Anger.
Thus, in conclusion, my dear and beloved brother in Islam,
I remind you as I remind myself, the absolute best way to bring about this
reformation in our hearts to get close to the Remembrance of our Lord Who
Created us; and the best way to Remember our Lord is to read, understand, obey,
follow and completely submit ourselves to His Glorious Message which He Himself
revealed for our guidance, The One and Only Glorious and Noble Quran!
Allah is our witness, one who sincerely submits himself to
the Glorious Message of their Lord will find that his whole life will become a
life spent in the worship and praise of His Lord; his prayers, his fasts, his
zakat, his Hajj, his work, his relationship with fellow man, in fact, his every
single deed will be aligned to earn the Pleasure and Good Will of His Lord Most
Gracious, Most Merciful.
May Allah Subhanah bless you and us, have mercy on you and
us, and bestow upon you and us and all the believers the wisdom and the courage
to choose and prefer this Straight Path of Rigtheousness that leads to the
Mercy and Rewards of our Lord, and abstain from all deeds that lead to His
Anger and His Wrath. Ameen.
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to
Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only
Source of Strength.
Your Brother in Islam,