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Prophet in paradise

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.  (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)


One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:

Dear brother Burhan,


A couple of questions;


1. Regarding a recent answer to a question you wrote Khansa, daughter of Mu`awiyah ibn Sarim, states that he related her aunt`s following account: "I asked, `O Messenger of Allah! Who will be in Paradise?` The Prophet (saws) said, `Prophets will be in Paradise, martyrs will be in Paradise, and babies will be in Paradise`."


I read in another response of yours that the Prophet (SAWS) once said that he even did not know if he was going to the Paradise. So, am I referring a hadith incorrectly or is there more to it?


May Allah forgive me for asking these accusing sounding questions.




(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)




Prophet in Paradise

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person, no grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai, nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad(saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Beloved brother, the hadith you are referring to has been related by Bukhari and narrated by Umm al Ala as follows:


Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 5.266 Narrated by Um al Ala

An Ansari woman who gave the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet (saws) that the Ansar drew lots concerning the dwelling of the emigrants. Uthman bin Maz'un was decided to dwell with them (i.e. Um al-'Ala's family). Uthman fell ill and I nursed him till he died, and we covered him with his clothes. Then the Prophet (saws) came to us and I (addressing the dead body) said, "O Abu As-Sa'ib, may Allah's Mercy be on you! I bear witness that Allah has honored you." On that the Prophet (saws) said, "How do you know that Allah has honored him?" I replied, "I do not know. May my father and my mother be sacrificed for you, O Allah's Messenger (saws)! But who else is worthy of it (if not 'Uthman)?" He (saws) said, "As to him, by Allah, death has overtaken him, and I hope the best for him. By Allah, though I am the Messenger of Allah, yet I do not know what Allah will do to me!" By Allah, I will never assert the piety of anyone after him. That made me sad, and when I slept I saw in a dream a flowing stream for 'Uthman bin Maz'un. I went to Allah's Messenger (saws) and told him of it. He (saws) remarked, "That symbolizes his (good) deeds."


At the death of a noble companion of the Messenger of Allah (saws), when the woman unilaterally declared that Allah Subhanah had honored and forgiven Uthman bin Mazun (r.a.); the Messenger of Allah (saws) showed his severe disapproval and dissent; for none except Allah Subhanah Alone Knows the condition of each soul.


The lesson we aught to learn from this hadith is that it is not permissible for man to say something of which he has no knowledge. The lady, looking at the deeds and sacrifices of the noble companion Hadrat Uthman bin Mazun (r.a.), unilaterally declared and gave her verdict that Allah Subhanah had honored him, when it did not behove her to do so!


Thus, at the very instant, the Messenger of Allah (saws) showed his dissent and disapproval at the statement of Umm al-Ala, and declared that he (saws) was the Messenger of Allah, and he did not know the plans of Allah Subhanah except about which he (saws) was specifically informed by inspiration.


It does not behove a believer to decide or declare whom Allah has forgiven, and whom The Majestic Lord has not; without specific knowledge from the Quran and Sunnah.


The modest, noble, and righteous Prophet (saws) said what any righteous believing slave of Allah Subhanah would say when he (saws) unconditionally declared that all matters of the ‘unseen’ (ghaib) are known to none except the One and Only Lord of the Worlds!


Although Allah Subhanah mentions specifically in the Quran that Prophet Mohamed (saws) has been honored with the fountains of ‘Al-Kawthar’ in the Quran, our Prophet (saws) is so modest and humble, and so fears Allah Subhanah that in his absolute humility, and fear, and awe of his Lord, he (saws) declared that even he (saws) does not know what exactly Allah Subhanah would do with him!


Thus the lesson we, as believers, aught to learn from this statement of the Messenger of Allah (saws) is that we should never declare something of the unknown or the unseen from ourselves, unless it is specifically declared by Allah Subhanah in the Quran, or made known to the Messenger of Allah (saws) by inspiration and he (saws) declared it unto mankind.


Your Statement: May Allah forgive me for asking these accusing sounding questions.

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 1.1 Narrated by Umar bin Al Khattab

I heard Allah's Messenger (saws) saying, "The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended.”


My beloved and dear Brother in Islam, one should never fear anyone except Allah Subhanah, nor ever hesitate to ask the scholars any question in Islam if his intention is to understand and comprehend the wisdom behind the command of the deen. All Praise is due to Allah Subhanah Alone, Who revealed the deen of Islam in Truth and in absolute accordance with nature and logic.


There is absolutely no harm and no sin when one asks any question in Islam, no matter how accusing or challenging it may sound; provided one’s intention is to understand and comprehend the deen, so that he may be able to follow the commands and guidance of Allah and His Messenger (saws) with even more conviction and satisfaction.


But if one challenges and accuses any command or guidance of Allah and His Messenger (saws) for the sake of challenging and ridiculing the Divine Message, then indeed it would be considered a heinous sin in the sight of the Lord.


It is obvious from the tone of your question that your intention is to understand and comprehend the meaning of the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (saws). May Allah Subhanah increase your quest in your search for the knowledge or Truth, and help you and guide your and our hearts to understand this clear and beautiful guidance called Al-Islam.


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your Brother in Islam,





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