Humilation to dead body
Mu' meneen
Brothers and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa
Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be
upon all of you)
One of our
brothers/sisters has asked this question:
Asalam Alakum,
I habitually, read your emails and I believe that your answers are always
mitigating the questions laid down. I have two questions but interrelated with
each other.
I am living in
You cannot bury a body unless all paper work is not completed and definite that
where the dead body will be buried? In his country or in
2nd can we read Quran for "sawab" although
the body is not buried? Some one advised me that it is "bidaat" is it factual? I will be appreciative, if you
will come back with my question, in the light of quraan
and Ahadees.
Thanking you,
(There may be some
grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not
change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our
readers for circulation in confidentiality.)
In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask
for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever
He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there
is no one (no idol, no person, no grave,
no prophet, no imam, no dai,
nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that
Muhammad(saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
What Islam says about it? Is not it a humilation of deadbody?
In some countries, the government lays down procedural steps regarding the
burial of a foreign national to ascertain the reason for the death of the
person. In most cases it is to protect
the rights and interests of the deceased and/or its heirs, and determine
whether the deceased died a natural death, or was poisoned, or killed,
etc. There is absolutely no harm if the
government lays down these procedural steps in determining the reason of the
death, or for statistical purposes, or for some valid legal reasons. These procedural steps would not constitute a
humiliation of the body of the deceased.
But if there is no valid reason for a delay, the Messenger
of Allah (saws) advised the believers to always bury their dead as soon as
Narrated Al-Husayn ibn Wujuh that when Talhah ibn al-Bara fell ill, the Prophet (saws) said: "I see that Talhah is on the verge of death. Inform me about him (when he passes away) and
make immediate preparations for his burial, for a Muslim's remains should not
be left long with his family after his death."
Related by Abu Dawood.
Ali ibn Abu Talib (r.a.)
narrated that the Prophet (saws) said: "O Ali, never delay three things:
prayer when its time approaches, the funeral when death is confirmed, and
marrying a widow or a divorcee when a suitable match is found for her."
Related by Ahmad and Tirmidhi.
Q-2: 2nd can we read Quran for "sawab" although the body is not buried? Some one
advised me that it is "bidaat" is it
factual? I will be appreciative, if you will come back with my question, in the
light of quraan and Ahadees.
Abu Hurairah reported that The Prophet (saws),
said, 'When a person dies all his good deeds cease except for three: a
continuous act of charity,
beneficial knowledge, and
a righteous son(children) who prays for him'.'' (Muslim,
and the Sunan)
Also Abu Hurairah reported The
Prophet (saws) said, 'The righteous works that continue to benefit a believer
after his death include the knowledge that he taught and spread among others, a righteous son whom he leaves behind, or a copy of the Qur'an
that he bequeaths to his inheritors, or
a mosque that he builds, or a rest house
that he builds for the wayfarers, or a
canal of water that he digs for the benefit of others, or a charity that he gives out of his
property during his life while he is sound of health. He will continue to receive reward for all
these even after his death.' (Ibn Majah)
In light of the above narrations of the Messenger of Allah
(saws), it is
evident that the Book of Records is ceased,
except for three categories:
A continuous act of charity which the person did
which is beneficial to people after his death.
Beneficial knowledge the person spread during his
Righteous children whom the person brought up.
For all acts of righteous deeds, we must always follow what is said by
Allah and His Messenger (saws).
Besides, there
is absolutely no evidence that the Messenger of Allah (saws), his noble ‘ahly-bayt’, or any of his noble companions ever read
Quran for the ‘ajr’ or peace of any deceased person!
The Glorious Quran is a Book of Guidance revealed by Allah
for the guidance of the living amongst mankind and one who is alive will
definitely benefit from its recitation and from its commands of Wisdom and
Knowledge. In light of the above
narrations of the Messenger of Allah (saws), all the good deeds of a person who
dies cease except for three things specifically mentioned; and the recitation of the Quran over the
deceased is not one of them!
Just as one cannot do a sin and transfer it to the account
of the deceased; one
cannot do any good deed and transfer it to the deceased unless specified by
Allah and His Messenger (saws)!
But what can and must do is make constant supplication for
his deceased brother/sister in faith to the Merciful Lord, and beseech Him to be Merciful on the
departed soul, forgive his/her sins and grant them an honorable place in
Paradise. This was the practice of the
Messenger of Allah (saws).
Narrated Abu Hurairah,
: “The Prophet (saws), prayed in one of
the funeral prayers: ‘Allahumma anta Rubbuha wa ant khalaqtaha wa anta razaqtaha wa
ant hadaytaha lil lslam wa anta qabadata ruha-ha wa anta alamu bisirriha wa 'alaniyatiha. Ji'nashuf'ala-hafaghfir laha zanbaha’ (Oh Allah ! You are her Sustainer, You
are her Creator, You provided her with sustenance, guided her to Islam, caused
her to die, and You best know her secret and public
life. We plead to You on her behalf to forgive her
Naraated Wa'ilah ibn al-Asqa: "The Prophet (saws),
led us in a funeral prayer for a man from among the Muslims. I heard him saying: ‘Allahumma
inna fulana ibna fulan fi
dhimatika wa habla jawaraka, fa-qihu min fitnatal qabri wa adhabin nar wa anta ahlal wafa' wal haq,
allahumma faghfirlahu war-rahmhufa innaka antal ghafurur Raheem’. ( O Allah! So-and-so, son of so-and-so,
is under Your protection and mercy, so protect him
from the trial of the grave and the torture of Hell Fire. You are the guardian
of the truthful and the faithful. OAllah! Forgive him
and be merciful to him, as You are the Most Merciful,
Most Forgiving).
Narrated by Ahmad and Abu Daw'ud.
Thus gathering and the ceremonial reading of the Quran
over the deceased and/or to transfer the reward of the recitation of the Quran
to the deceased, is
a clear and manifest innovation, and
this act must be avoided by the believers who sincerely believe in Allah and
the Last Day.
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to
Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only
Source of Strength.
Your Brother in Islam,