Fasting on Eid day and 6 shawwal fasts
Mu' meneen Brothers
and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa
Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be
upon all of you)
One of our
brothers/sisters has asked this question:
Dear Mr. Burhan,
Is there any
fasting on Eid Day? I mean getting
early and eating nothing and going to Eid prayer after having some sweets like
dates etc.
How many extra
takbeer are there in Eid prayer. I
believe Eid prayer performed at Mosque differs than the one performed at Eid
What is the
benefit of fasting 6 days after Ramadan.
Any hadith about these fastings.
(There may be some
grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not
change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our
readers for circulation in confidentiality.)
One of our
brothers/sisters has asked this question:
we celebratee Eid
on thur but some people celebrated on fri,so i didnt fast as they were
celebrating could u telme when do i start keeping my 6 fasts ?
the 6 that u keep
after ramadhan?
and why do we keep
these? s it true u get sawaab for the whole year as if u were fasting?
(There may be some
grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not
change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our
readers for circulation in confidentiality.)
Fasting on Eid day and 6 shawwal
In the name of Allah, We praise
Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none
can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright.
We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person, no grave, no prophet, no imam,
no dai, nobody!) worthy of
worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad(saws) is His
slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
Q-1: Is
there any fasting on Eid Day? I mean
getting early and eating Nothing and going to
Eid prayer after having some sweets like dates etc.
Sahih Muslim Hadith
2534 Narrated by Abu Hurayrah
The Messenger of Allah (saws) forbade to observe fast on these two days. Id al-Adha and Id al-Fitr.
Sahih Muslim Hadith
2538 Narrated by Aisha
The Prophet (saws)
forbade to observe fast on two days--the day of Fitr, and the day of Adha.
Yahya related from
Malik that he used to hear the people of knowledge say, "There is no harm
in fasting continuously as long as one breaks the fast on the days on which the
Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, forbade fasting,
namely, the days of Mina, the day of Adha and the day of Fitr.”
Sahih Al-Bukhari
Hadith 3.211 Narrated by Abu Ubaid
I witnessed the 'Id
with 'Umar bin Al-Khattab who said, "Allah's Messenger (saws) has
forbidden people to fast on the day on which you break fasting (Eid-ul-Fitr)
and the day on which you eat the meat of your sacrifices (Eid-ul-Adha)."
In light of the above authentic
narrations, the Messenger of Allah
(saws) forbade the believers from fasting on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr, and the
Day of Eid-ul-Adha.
Q-1A: I
mean getting early and eating nothing and
going to Eid prayer after having some sweets like dates etc.
Hadrat Anas ibn Maalik (r.a.) said: "The Prophet (saws) would not go out on the festival of breaking the fast (Eid ul-Fitr) until he had eaten an odd number of dates."
Related by Ahmad
and Bukhari.
Buraidah said:
"The Prophet (saws) would not go out on the day of breaking the fast
(Eiid-ul- Fitr) until he had eaten, and
on the day of sacrifice (Eid-ul-Adha) he (saws) would not eat until he had
returned [from salah]."
This is related by
at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah, and Ahmad
The Sunnah of the Messenger of
Allah (saws) was that on the Day of Eid-ul-Fitr he would not leave the house
until he had eaten an odd number of dates.
But on the Day of Eid-ul-Adha, his Sunnah was that he would not eat till
he had returned from the Eid-prayer.
Q-2: How
many extra takbeer are there in Eid prayer.
I believe Eid prayer performed at
Mosque differs than the one performed at Eid Gah.
Amr ibn Shu'aib
reports from his father on the authority of his grandfather that the Prophet
(saws) would make twelve takbeers during the 'id prayer, seven in the first
rak'ah and five in the second. He did
not pray before or after the 'id.
Related by Ahmad
and Ibn Majah.
Abu Dawud and
ad-Daraqutni report that the Prophet (saws) said: "The takbeers during the
'id of breaking the fast are seven in
the first rak'ah and five in the second, and the Qur'anic recital comes after
them in both the rak'at."
The Sunnah of the Messenger of
Allah (saws) was that he would perform seven takbeers before the recitation of
the Quran in the first rakah, and five
before the recitation of Quran in the second.
Q-2A: I
believe Eid prayer performed at Mosque differs
than the one performed at Eid Gah.
Salatul Eid can be performed in
the mosque, but it is preferred to perform in a place outside the city as long
as there is no excuse or reason to do otherwise (e.g., rain and so on) as the
Prophet would pray the two Eids in the outskirts of Medinah and he never prayed
it in his mosque, except once and because it was raining.
Sunan of Abu-Dawood
Hadith 1156 Narrated by Abu Hurayrah
The rain fell on
the day of 'Id (festival) , so the Prophet (saws) led them (the people) in the
'Id prayer in the mosque.
Although it is preferred to pray
the Eid prayers at the Musalla or Eid-Gah,
there is absolutely no difference in the prayer itself nor in its reward
if prayed in the mosque.
Q-3: What
is the benefit of fasting 6 days after Ramadan. Any hadith about these fastings.
Abu Ayyub al-Ansari
reported that the Prophet (saws) said: "Whoever fasts during the month of
Ramadan and then follows it with six days of Shawwal, will be [rewarded] as if
he had fasted the entire year."
Related by Muslim,
Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Abu Dawood.
According to Ahmad, one may fast
on these days consecutively or non-consecutively, as neither practice is
preferred over the other.
Whatever written of Truth and
benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error
is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He
is the Only Source of Strength.
Your Brother in