Articles are attacking Syedna
Mu' meneen Brothers
and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa
Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be
upon all of you)
One of our
brothers/sisters has asked this question:
I am thoroughly dissappointed
with the entire dawoodi bohra helpline. i have gone thru 60 of ur q&a. the
impression it gives me is that one guy who is majorly disillusioned with the
dawoodi bohra faith is out to spread his dis-belief to a lot of other people. I
have not seen a more imbalanced discussion. there are no merits discussed. only
demerits highlighted time & again. I joined the help line 2 meet likeminded
people within / outside the community to discuss other things. This is more
like a platform for settling personal scores against the Syedna. Just bcoz a
medium has been placed at ur disposal, doesnt mean u go and spread ur own
personal vendatta to others.
I am sorry to say
that i am mightily disillusioned by the entire discussions. if the discussions
r going to be one sided then its not a discussion, its a sermon & we r not
here to listen to sermons from a person whose credentials i dont know. Ok so
what if u quote from the Quran. Even the Laskar-e-toibas' official website
quotes from the Quran. Doesnt mean that all the things the Laskar does are
necessarily correct. Applying the same logic, it doesn't give u any validity or
credentials. So stop validifying ur statements with ayaahs from the quran.
As is evident to any literate person, that the quran is a very difficult text to understand. the text contains a lot of information which needs to interpolated & understood based on the context & situation. So basically, i believe, it is subject to interpretation. as a mere mortal, my knowledge of the Quran may be less. So i need a guide, a mentor, a guru who runs me thru the initial paces. beyond a particular point of understanding, it is one to himself. If a student doesn't want to leave the apron of the guru, the fault lies with the guru.
I have said my
piece. I would be highly obliged if the tonality of the answers are changed to
a more discussion oriented rather than being more finalistic. Also the line of
being constantly attacking the syedna doesnt much scope for discussion of other
issues. I hope this piece is put up for discussion. If i dont get a reply, I
will assume that there is no difference between DBH & any other
beaureacratic setup which doesnt like criticism. I think this needs a reply.
Otherwise i will deem that i wasted some cyberspace & time on something
which was not worth my time or effort.
A regular reader
(There may be some
grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not
change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our
readers for circulation in confidentiality.)
Articles are attacking Syedna
In the name of Allah, We praise
Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can
misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We
bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person, no grave, no prophet, no
imam, no dai, nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness
that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
Allah is our witness, we have nothing personal against the Syedna
and it is neither our mission nor our objective to demerit the Syedna
personally. All the brothers who
volunteer their time and effort on this forum were born into Dawoodi Bohra
families, and at various times of their
lives, Allah guided them to read and
understand the Holy Quran. From the
clear teachings and guidance of the Holy Quran it became evident that the
‘deen’ that our fathers and our forefathers were following had very little to
do with the guidance of the Book of Allah.
And we made it our mission to invite our Bohra brethren and anyone else
who wants to listen to good caution, to read and understand the Holy Quran so
that they would be guided to the Straight Path of Islam.
Instead of propagating Islam,
the Bohra leadership propagates the concept of ‘shirk’ or associating others
with Allah Subhanah. All we intend to
do is invite our Bohra brethren to read and understand the Holy Quran so that
they can recognize this most heinous of sins in the eyes of Allah, and take
measures to avoid it. Our objective is
to remove the mis-conceptions that have been implanted in their lives by the
leadership, and invite them to understand the Truth of Islam from the Book of
guidance that has been revealed by our Lord and Creator, Allah Subhanah.
We do sincerely apologize if you
have found our articles strong and offensive, because that was never our
intention. Our one and only intention
is to invite our Bohra brethren to understand the clear guidance of the Quran,
the understanding of which has been purposely and deliberately side-lined by
the leadership. And once the guidance
of the Glorious Quran is removed, then they can lead their followers anywhere
they like; and that is exactly what has
Your Comment: As is evident to any literate person, that the quran is a very difficult text to understand. the text contains a lot of information which needs to interpolated & understood based on the context & situation. So basically, i believe, it is subject to interpretation. as a mere mortal, my knowledge of the Quran may be less. So i need a guide, a mentor, a guru who runs me thru the initial paces. beyond a particular point of understanding, it is one to himself. If a student doesn't want to leave the apron of the guru, the fault lies with the guru.
I would humbly disagree with
your concept that the Holy Quran is very difficult to understand! Brother, this is the Book that Allah, the All
Knowing, All Wise has sent for our guidance so that the ones who follow its
commandments can be guided aright. The
Quran is probably the most easiest of texts to understand, provided one wants
to understand its clear guidance. Our
Merciful Lord has revealed this Glorious Book Himself for our guidance. Can you
even imagine that this All Knowing, All Wise Lord would send us a Book of
Guidance, which no one can understand?
And on top of that, He would hold us accountable on the Day of Qiyaamah
whether we followed its commandments or not!
What has happened is that some
unscrupulous leaders, who are more interested in elevating themselves and their
families, and in pursuit of paltry worldly gains, have tried to create
confusion with their esoteric and fantastic interpretations of the clear aayahs
of the Book of Allah. They propagate
that the Quran is impossible to understand by the common man! They propagate that the Quran has
‘zaahir’, ‘baatin’, and ‘taweel’
meanings which are known only to them; and if you want to understand the Quran
you must obey and follow them unconditionally!
They have promised their followers time and time again, that only the
ones who obey and follow them unconditionally, are the ones who are promised
Paradise! The common people found
this system a very convenient arrangement to enter Paradise, and they left the
understanding of the Quran to their priests and holy men. Thus they obey and follow them
unconditionally, instead of obeying and following the commandments of Allah and
His Messenger (saws).
Just take a look at these clear
aayahs from the Holy Quran:
Allah says in Chapter
2, Surah Baqarah aayat 185:"Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was
sent down: this Book is a perfect guidance for mankind and consists of CLEAR
teachings which show the right way and are a Criterion of the Truth and
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 159:Those who conceal the clear
(Revelations) and Guidance We have sent down,
after We have made it clear for the people in the Book, on them shall be Allah’s ‘laanah’ and the
‘laanah’ of those who are entitled to curse!
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 44 Surah Dukhan verse 58:We have made this Book easy in your own
tongue so that they may ponder and take good counsel.
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 43 Surah Zukhruf verses 1-3:Haa Meem. By this lucid (clear or open) Book. We have made it an Arabic Quran,
so that you may understand it.
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 12 Surah Yusuf verse 1-2:These are the verses of the Book that
makes its object perfectly clear. We
have sent it down as a Quran in Arabic,
so that you may understand it well.
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 16 Surah Nahl verse 89:We have sent down to you this Book, which
makes everything plain, and is a guidance,
blessing and good news to those who have surrendered themselves
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 19 Surah Maryam verse 97:O Mohamed, We have made this Quran
easy, and sent it down in your tongue
so that you should give good news to the pious and warn the stubborn people.
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 41 Surah Ha Mim As Sajdaah verse 2-4:This is a Revelation from
the All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful Allah.
A Book whose verses are well-expounded, an Arabic Quran for the people
who want to understand, and a giver of good news and a warner.
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 18 Surah Kahf verse 1-3:All praise is for Allah Alone, Who has sent down this Book to His Servant
(Mohamed (saws), and assigned nothing
crooked to it. This Book says
everything directly, so that he may
warn the people of the severe chastisement of Allah and give good news to the
believers, who do righteous deeds, that they will have an excellent reward.
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 99:We have sent down to you Revelations
that clearly expound the Truth, and
none but the disobedient reject them.
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 43 Surah Zukhruf verses 43-44:So, hold fast to the Book that has
been revealed to you, you are surely on
the Siraat al Mustaqeem. The fact is
that this book is a great honor for you and your people, and soon you shall be
Allah says in the Holy
Quran Chapter 6 Surah Anaam verse 157-158:Now that a clear proof, a Guidance
and Blessing, has come to you from your Lord,
who can be more unjust than the one who treats Our Revelations as false
and turns away from them? We will
inflict the severest torment on those who turn away from Our Revelations
because of their aversion. Do the
people now await that the angels should come down before them? Or that your Lord may Himself come
down? Or that the manifest Signs of
your Lord should appear?
Allah Himself declares that the
Quran is easy, plain, direct, open, lucid, clear, and a perfect guidance for
mankind! And some people say that this
Book is difficult to understand! You
tell me, who deserves to be believed:
Allah or the people who say the Quran is impossible to understand?
Brother, we must obey only Allah
and His Messenger (saws) unconditionally.
And if Allah says this Book is easy and plain and direct and open and
lucid and clear and a perfect guidance, then that is the Absolute Truth! We have to learn to obey and follow the
commandments of the Holy Quran, rather than make the Quran follow and
authenticate our beliefs.
We are always open for
discussion on any subject on Islam, and our views will always mirror the
guidance of Allah and His Messenger (saws).
There is neither a third source of guidance in Islam, and the truth is,
there is none needed. We do sincerely
apologize if the answers written to the questions have not been satisfying to
you; but I assure you that whatever we have written is from the above two most
truthful of sources: The Quran and the
Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saws).
Whatever written of Truth and
benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error
is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He
is the Only Source of Strength.
Your brother and well wisher in