Is there anything in the Quran that is in Parables?
Mu' meneen Brothers
and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa
Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be
upon all of you)
One of our
brothers/sisters has asked this question:
Is there anything in
the QURAN that is in Parables? Is it as clear as the naked eye in its
meaning? Is Ta’aweel same as
(There may be some grammatical and spelling
errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
Is there anything in the Quran that is in Parables?
In the name of Allah, We praise
Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can
misguide, and who-ever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We
bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person, no grave, no prophet, no
imam, no dai, nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness
that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
The fact is that Parables are
widely used by the All-Wise, Allah, in His Message for the guidance for
mankind, The Al-Quran. Parables
are not only used in the Quran, but Parables were also widely used in the other
Books of Allah revealed before Prophet Mohamed (saws), like the Bible and the
Torah. Parables in the Quran
are given by the All-Wise to simplify and make us understand the message of the
Holy Quran.
For example, the
parable of the spider’s web is used to make us understand the concept of
‘Shirk’ (associating or invoking others besides Allah), in The Holy Quran Chapter 29 Surah Ankabut (The Spider) verses 41-43:The
Parable of those who have taken protectors other than Allah, is the Parable of
a spider, which makes itself a dwelling (web). And the weakest of all dwellings is the web of a
spider. Would that these people
had knowledge! Allah surely
knows whomever they invoke apart from Him, are non-entities. He Alone is the All-Mighty,
All-Wise. And these Parables we
have given only for the people to understand (the concept of Shirk!)
After giving several historical
events of the people and their punishments in the aayahs preceeding the above
ayaah, Allah gives the Parable of the spider and its web, to make us understand
the concept of invoking other protectors besides Allah, or ‘Shirk”. When Allah’s punishment came to
pass on these people, those who used to invoke other protectors besides Allah,
all their protectors and beliefs proved to be baseless. No god, no god-incarnate, no saint, no
spirit, no angel, no martyr, no one, whom they used to invoke, came to their
rescue! The reality of the
toy-houses of expectations that they had built on their faith, their powerless
leaders and their imaginary deities, apart from the real Lord and Master of the
Universe, was no more than the cobweb of the spider. Just as a cobweb cannot stand even the slightest
interference by the hand of man, so had the toy-houses of their expectations
collapsed in its first clash with the scheme of Allah. It was nothing but ignorance, that they
were involved in the web of false beliefs and self-proclaimed protectors. Had they recognized the Oneness of
Allah, they would never have built their system on life on baseless props and
promises. The fact is that none
other than the All-Mighty, All-Powerful, Allah, is the Owner of Power and
Authority, and His Support and Protection is the only support which is
There are several other Parables
used in the Quran by Allah to make us understand the fundamental reality of the
concepts. These Parables are
extremely clear in their meanings if one reads the preceding paragraphs,
because all Parables are linked in context to the stories it explains. Allah in His Divine Wisdom uses
Parables to make sure we really understand the matter. And whenever Allah gives a Parable in
the Quran, he always calls it a Parable, so that it cannot be taken into any
other meaning.
Ta-aweel and Parables are two
different things. Ta’aweel
means the absolute truth of the matter, whereas Parables are similitudes used so that we can understand the
concept and reality of the story.
The word Ta’aweel is widely used in our community for things which is
something beyond the comprehension of fools like us.... and this is the
absolute wrong connotation of the word ‘Ta’aweel’. The context that our leaders use the ‘Ta’aweel’ in
their ‘Ta’aweel na bayaans’, is absolutely different and far astray from the
context of the word ‘Ta’aweel’, as used in the Quran!
To give you an
example, Allah uses the word ‘Ta’aweel’ in the Holy Quran in Chapter 3 Surah Ale Imran verse 7:It is Allah, Who
sent down this Quran to you.
(There are two kinds of verses in the Book.) In it are verses Basic or Fundamental (of established
meanings which can be easily understood), and they are the essence or
foundation of the Book. And the
other verses are Allegorical or Ambiguous. Those in whose hearts is perversity will always go for
the Allegorical or Ambiguous verses, seeking discord and trying to search for
their hidden meanings. None,
except Allah, knows their real meanings (Ta’aweel)! In contrast to them, those who are
firmly grounded in knowledge, say: “We believe in them all, because all of them
are from our Lord.
What a fantastic verse the above
aayah (or miracle) of the Holy Quran is! After reading this, there should be no doubt in our
minds that the people who do “Ta’weel nu bayan” and claim to know the ‘Ta’aweel’
of the Allegorical verses of the Quran are nothing, but LIARS!!!
Allah Himself says in the Holy Quran, that NONE,
else can claim that he knows the ‘Ta’aweel’ of these allegorical verses of the
Quran!! If one indeed claims
to know ‘Ta’aweel’ of these Allegorical verses, then he is going directly
against the commandment and statement of Allah, The All Knowing, that He Alone
knows the “Ta’aweel’ and NO-ONE
Another thing to note here is
that in these ‘Ta’weel na bayans’, you will always see these people trying to
interpret the Allegorical verses of the Holy Quran arbitrarily, and fit the
names of their Personalities in them! Just read the above aayah again and see what Allah
says,: “Those in whose hearts is perversity (or disease) will ALWAYS go for the
Allegorical verses, seeking
discord and trying to search for their hidden meanings!.”
These people use these
Allegorical verses to suit their own needs and always try to interpret them arbitrarily,
and thus misguide us from the clear, basic and fundamental teaching, and
guidance of the Holy Quran.
Allah Himself says in the above aayah that the verses that are Basic or
Fundamental, are the essence or foundation of the Book. These are the verses which have simple
established meanings, and everybody can understand them! YES, EVEN FOOLS LIKE YOU AND
ME!!!! These Basic verses make up
the majority of the Holy Quran, and there can be no double meanings to their
verses, as Allah Himself says that these verses are of established
To give some examples
of the Basic and Fundamental verses, see the aayah of The Holy Quran Chapter 5 Surah Al-Maidah verse 38:As for the
thief, male or female, cut off his or her hand: A punishment
by way Of example, from Allah, For their crime:And Allah is Exalted in Power,
Full of Wisdom.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 4 Surah An Nisa verse 93:If a man kills a believer Intentionally, his recompense Is Hell, to
abide there in forever: And the wrath And the curse of Allah Are upon him, and
A dreadful penalty Is prepared for him.
The above verses are Basic or
Fundamental and mean exactly what they say. Any person who understands the Arabic language, can easily
understand the clear meanings of the above verses. They have no space for any sort of ambiguity or
mis-understanding. And
almost all of the Holy Quran is made up of these Basic and Fundamental verses,
which can be easily understood by anybody who cares to open and read and
understand the Holy Quran! These
are the verses which make up the majority of the Quran, and these the very
verses which are enough to guide mankind to the true deen of Islam, and the
Mercy of Allah on the Day of Judgement.
To give you an example
of the Allegorical verses of the Quran, see the first aayah of the Holy Quran
Chapter 2 Surah Al Baqarah verse 1 (which we all know very well!):Alif. Laam. Meem.
Now these are the verses which
are allegorical and these are the verses which will be pursued by those, in
whose hearts, Allah says, is perversity or disease. They write volumes on these aayahs and give them all sorts
of fantastic meanings, which have no basis in the context of the message of the
Holy Quran. I heard a full
‘Ta’aweel nu bayan’ once, where the preacher was trying to interpret the above
aayah ‘Alif. Laam. Meem’ by saying:”‘Alif’ is beginning letter of the word
Allah. ‘Meem’ is the
beginning letter of the name Mohamed.
And ‘Laam’ is the middle letter of the name Ali. Thus this is how Allah named Ali
in the Quran to make him the vicegerent of Mohamed (saws) after him!!!!!” This is how these preachers
expand the verse in their ‘Ta’aweel nu bayan’ and give the verses fantastic
meanings, which have absolutely no context with the message of the Glorious
To give you one more
example of what the people who claim they know ‘Ta’aweel’ do, the last part of
the same above aayah of the Holy Quran can be used: Chapter 3 Surah
Ale-Imran verse 7:None, except Allah, knows their real meanings (Ta’aweel).
In contrast to them, those who are firmly grounded in knowledge, say:
“We believe in them all, because all of them are from our Lord.
The leaders who claim to know
‘Ta’aweel’ say that the people who are “firmly grounded in knowledge” are the leaders
of the Bohra community.
They conveniently fix their own names to the aayah and proclaim
themselves to be the ones who are “firmly grounded in knowledge”. And that is the basic style of
the people, who have diseases in their hearts, and thus try to fix names of
their personalities to the aayahs of the Quran. If these leaders were indeed “firmly grounded in
knowledge”, they would not be going after the ‘Ta’aweel of these aayahs, fixing
their own names and the names of their forefathers to these aayahs, and making
us bow down in sajdah to them and to the graves of their forefathers!!!
Allah Himself has said that
“NONE, EXCEPT ALLAH KNOWS THEIR REAL MEANINGS.” Now this verse is fundamental. When Allah says none, He, The
All-Knowing means NONE!!!
except Allah, knows the real meanings or ‘Ta’aweel’ of the allegorical or
ambiguous verses of the Quran, like ‘Alif. Laam. Meem.’!!!
The choice is ours. We want to read and understand
the basic and fundamental verses as the Message of the All-Knowing, All-Wise,
Allah, or We want to follow the people who have diseases or perversity in their
hearts and always go after the allegorical verses in search of their fantastic
meanings!!! We want to
follow the guidance that the Holy Quran is inviting us to, or we want to follow
the personalities who claim to know the ‘Ta’aweel’!
My beloved Brothers and Sisters,
the choice is actually quite simple:
It is between the Mercy, Forgiveness, Reward of Allah, and, the eternal
Torture and Punishment of the Hell Fire!!
The choice is between being guided and going astray!!!
The catch is that the choice has
to be made before one’s death!! If
we were to die following the Personalities, invoking them and their forefathers
in their graves, we will have no one to blame except ourselves on the Day of
Judgement!!! On the Day of
Judgment, all these personalities and their promises will be blown away like
the web of the spider!! I
swear by Allah, that no one will have the power to keep their promises except
The All-Mighty, Alone. And
all the promises that Allah makes to His believing slaves are mentioned in the
Holy Quran in detail. There
is no Power and no Strength, except Allah, and He is the Best of Protectors!!!!
May Allah, the All Knowing, the
All-Merciful, guide us to read and understand the clear teachings of the Holy
Quran. May Allah guide us to
recognize who are our real friends and well wishers, and who are our real enemies. May Allah guide us towards His
Mercy and Forgiveness, and keep us far away from following the Personalities,
who beckon us to the eternal torture and punishment of the Fire of Hell!!! Ameen.
PS. Brothers and Sisters, I urge you to make a hard copy of the
above answer and show it to your ‘aamil’ or ‘bhaisaheb’ and ask him if what I
am saying above is wrong and against the guidance of the Quran. Please do write to us what is
their opinion and your opinion as well. And when they try to wriggle themselves out from
answering the above question or try to give fancy meanings in the guise of
‘Taweel’, remember Allah’s words that NONE, except Allah knows the ‘Ta’aweel’
of the Allegorical verses of the Quran like ‘Alif. Laam. Meem’!
Allah Alone knows Best, and He
is the Only Source of Strength.
May Allah keep you and your
families and all of us in His Mercy and Protection.
Whatever written of Truth and
benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error
is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and
He is the Only Source of Strength.
Your Brother in Islam,