1. What name to call husband wife. 2. Rewards for fasting ashura muharram. 3. Call from ALLAH to perform Umrah or Hajj 4. WHAT IS THE WAY OF DOING SAJDAH OF QURAN 5. Is it ture that the dead people can hear us? 6. Difference Between Farz and Sunnah 7. Do women perform eid namaaz??? 8. Can Woman fast and pray during menses period? 9. What is "Halala" in Islam ? 10. Who and what are the ashara mubashireen ten. 11. Taking oath on quran. 12. What is the right way to do Aqiqa? 13. Why should one use Politics in religion? 14. Take wife back after divorce. 15. Does sexual thoughts break a fast? 16. Durood salawaat & who are included in ale mohamed and signifcance 17. Jesus Son of Mary Will Judge MAnkind. 18. Difference between sunni and bohras 19. Cursing your children 20. Can one make dua to allah to increase height