1. Father inheritance: .. 2. WIFE'S RIGHTS IN HER HUSBAND'S PROPERTY AFTER HER DEATH WHERE HER HUSBANK IS ALIVE? 3. Surah Rahmaan Quran medical cure. 4. Hadith best amongst u is one who is best to his wives. 5. Is betting gambling wrong. 6. What name to call husband wife. 7. Who is an orphan. 8. Statement of divorce like from husband. 9. Angels dont enter house hijaab. 10. Women gold unlawful albani. 11. Can one perform nikkah by themselves. 12. Are you allowed to sleep naked in the bed 13. Durood salawaat & who are included in ale mohamed and signifcance 14. How to perform itikaf home woman 15. Can we give Zakat to our blood relative ? 16. How to pray for the dead people, what special sural and dua to read etc. 17. Theft and Dua for Recovery 18. Why Jews and Muslims are enemies? 19. Will all muslims go to paradise. 20. If he does not give me a separate house, I want a divorce. is that fine?: Wife demands separate house